Episode 1 Greater good

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In present-day 2065

Keagan still recording on his camera taking information from Logan.

Logan: 18 years ago, when the Cloud Fluid is about to spread in the Americas, Middle East, and Asia. They found where I was held captive with spy satellite sent information to the CIA.

In Memories, a spy satellite camera zooms in at that Logan was captive along with his squad were dead, and sent to the CIA, when put the evidence in the folder with the word on the front Classified and give it to the general.

Next, it shows the camera focused on Hesh riding a bike.

In the Africa before heading to Middle east, Hesh was heading to Somalia where the second war against Ethiopia when the war broke.

Logan: Your old man, met with the Russia soldier aiding with Somalian troops fighting against Ethiopia, Berezovich Kryuger, he is younger, and he is in 30s. Right before Collapse Fluid about to before it spread to the Africa.

Logan: And I was thinking that this guy was smart.


"Greater Good"

Galcaio, Somalia

David "Hesh" Walker

August 19th 2030

As we focus on Hesh who is lying on the ground as the mortar hit the villages, as Somalian troops dragged away from Ethiopia troops pushing advanced. But two Somalian shot down by sniper, suddenly, a man wearing a Russia military clothes with aiding to Somalia, this man name was Berezovich Kryuger aiming his AK-12 at Ethiopia. Why was a lone Russian soldier fighting against Ethiopian soldiers? 

Berezovich Kryuger: Hang on! *as he fires at the Ethiopian soldiers* Come on Comrade Hesh!

Berezovich get him up from the ground.

Hesh: Good to see ya Berezovich

Berezovich Kryuger: You do, commrade, *as told the troops to regroup to the tower* Come, we gotta regroup to the tower until the reinforcement came. MOVE OUT!

Merrick: *COMMS* Hesh, you here?

Hesh: I read you Merrick, go ahead?

He looked up and saw a Russian MI-24 pilot by Merrick and Somalian pilot, and Keagan who is inside the hanger. Then Hesh sprint followed Berezovich Kryuger away from the enemy and regroup them to the tower as defense.

Merrick: *COMMS* Ethiopian troops advancing into your position, about two kick South-North.

Hesh: We know! A Russian soldier name Berezovich Kryuger who is helping Samolians.

Keagan: *COMMS* A lone Russian, what the heck is he doing?

Hesh: I don't know, maybe he wants to help Somalian against the enemy's front.

Merrick: *COMMS* He's got balls and I've give him that. Anyway, General Hassan Abdi Mohamed, give our orders to take out the enemy's front.

Hesh: What about the Logan? Do we have confirmation on his location?

Merrick: *COMMS* They've been moving him from one location to another. We expected that Abdi Mohamed's men will arrived at the minute. We'll report back soon.

As they sprint inside the village, they dodge the incoming artillery strikes.

Berezovich Kryuger: So, your Americans, I heard you're going to rescue Logan, did you know him comrade?

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