Episode 23 Revolution of the World

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At United Nation 

Markus, Alex, Juan, Samatha, Angeles, and several agents arrived at the UN HQ as the other 25 nations arrived upcoming meeting conference about the Drone attack in their countries and the disruption of UNRC

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Markus, Alex, Juan, Samatha, Angeles, and several agents arrived at the UN HQ as the other 25 nations arrived upcoming meeting conference about the Drone attack in their countries and the disruption of UNRC. In another room, United Station President Samatha and Chinese Premier Tai are having a conference.

Samatha: For now we learn the truth about the terrorist that your traitorous General Guo worked with the terrorist for now the United States will instruct to defend China against Rorke's drone attack.

Premier Tai: 谢谢 thank you, Madame President, your actions speak louder than any words. Despite WW3 ending, we should face a new threat despite the Rosstarist ideals.

Samatha: And that will be a deal.

Premier Tai and Samatha shake their hands marking the new era of relationship between America and China.

In the hallway, Angeles and Madame President including Hesh, Logan, Keagan, and Aiden were walking to the meeting room.

Angeles: Madame president. The G.H.O.S.T Commander who captured Rorke requested to head up your security details. However, the UN Meeting was announced.

Samatha: What kind of announcement?

Angeles: You see, about this, the UN meeting discussing UNRC creation unfortunately the creation of UNRC was interrupted by drone attacks on every major country: Europe, Africa, the Middle East and Soviets.

Samatha: My God... it's happened again.

Angeles: I know over three years ago, 2064, UNRC was founded, the cooperation between New Soviet Union and Pan-European Union was the new beginning.

Samatha: Indeed, since the Entire European Continent was just the beginning of our former enemies to friend since the World Change after the War.

Angeles: And so it does Madam

In UN Meeting 

As 25 members of nation joined the UN meeting, Merrick came to the speak to the announcement

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As 25 members of nation joined the UN meeting, Merrick came to the speak to the announcement.

Merrick: fourteen years ago after the Federation War, United States and our only allie New Federation has been facing a new threat of our humanity. The first one was Inner Circle, led by rogue Soviet General Ivan Makarov along with his second command Sergey Khristenko, were known to be terrorist group and unknown to be former members of the Ultranationalist.

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