OVA 1 Elevator Recognition

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Meanwhile in G.H.O.S.T HQ

The G.H.O.S.T and soldiers are gathered to the war room but however, M13C (McClane) and Alex went to the elevator.

Both enter the elevator as the door shut, however, Alex didn't know where the buttons of the elevator are.

Alex: Where's the buttons.

M13C (McClane): Oh, no they installed voice recognition technology in this lift, they have no buttons.

Alex looked up where M13C pointing, at the voice record on top.

Alex: Voice recognition, technology in a lift in HQ base? You ever tried voice recognition technology.

Alex: No they don't do Scottish Accents.

As they were silence, M13C spoke.

M13C (McClane): Eleven....

And the voice talked because the voice didn't know what M13C said.

Voice: Could you please repeat that.

Alex spoke to the voice.

Alex: Eleven...

Then M13C spoke to the voice.

M13C (McClane): Eleven...

But the voice didn't respond, as M13C repeat.

M13C (McClane): Eleven...

Alex: Eleven...

And the voice talked and responded with.

Voice: Could you please repeat that.

M13C felt getting angry because of that lady didn't hear M13C said.

M13C (McClane): *glared* Eleven.

And so Alex glared the same.

Alex: *glared* Whose idea was this? You reallyu need to try an American accent just like your brother M13B.

Alex fake cough and spoke an American Accent. 

Alex: *with Shephard's mustache.

Alex: Eleven...

Audience: *laugh*

M13C watched Alex spoke with American Accent with Shephard's mustache.

Alex: Eleven...

Audience: *laugh*

M13C (McCLane): Uuugggh, that's sounds like Irish not American....

Audience: *chuckles*

Alex: No it does nae... Eleven...

Audience: *laugh*

M13C (McClane): Where in America is that it??

Alex: Oh yeah...

Voice: I'm sorry could you please repeat that.

Audience: *laugh*

M13C thinks, he could use English Accent, well Alex Moseman is native of York despite that his father has a Scottish accent.

M13C (McClane): Try an English Accent right?

M13C (McClane) *fake cough* Eleven...

Audience: *more laugh* 

Alex was so silence as M13C spoke.

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