Episode 21 Break on and Assassination of Guo

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Secret room

aboard USS ELIAS Walker

July 4th 2066

M16 wakes up in the chair strapping her wrists and legs, as her eyes blur and the room is dark.

Interrogation (Jack Mason): Wake up, M16 

M16: *Groaning* W-where am I

Interrogation (Jack Mason): You're in a secret room interrogation.

M16 wakes up in the dark room, she looks out the window and sees two mysterious people who are interrogating her.

Interrogation (Jack Mason): First Question did you participate the Operation Aeneas

However, M16 is losing control after FTac Recon wacked her back into Soviet territory

Interrogation (Jack Mason): Great, she losing control, after Taylor wacks her with his rifle.

Interrogation 2 (Aiden Jackson): Do it.

M16 Gets electric by Interrogation, and she screams in pain.


Interrogation (Jack Mason): Is that correct, are you participating in the mission in Operation Aneneas?! Is that correct?!

M16: GAAAHH!!! YES!!!

Meanwhile in Henry's lab

Henry made an anti-virus Chiron, it is to answer to the Parpluie virus to cure all the A.I. Following the butterfly incident, he sends a double agent of Sangveis Ferri Doll to grab every file about the true purpose of the digital virus of Parpluie virus until the double agent was killed. From his study analysis, his drone (camouflage) watched M16 convert from non-SF-Dolls into SF Dolls under the control of Digital mind of the infected Dolls. He had been studying all day with his science workers to help them create Anti-VIrus Chiron. After hearing about Lycoris's death, Henry researched about the Parpulie, it is created by an unknown individual or party within 90WISH. Henry was once the employee of 90WISH, he is the friend of Persica and Lycoris. Until Merrick came, to hire Henry to join the G.H.O.S.T. and quit the 90WISH members. Luckily Henry knows about UMP40, she used to be SF SY Electronic Warfare Dolls Model DSI-8. After UMP45 killed her, and the rest of event, Yuri found her and took her to Persica, where she can remove the Parpluie converted into T-Doll.

So Henry got every record from Yuri information, the parpluie virus only serves as a carrier for a program. Seeds of the source code of the OGAS AI are compressed into the Parapluie virus. Yuri brought the flower of Dandelion flower, it is the source of the seeds of OGAS. Henry began to created the anti-digital virus in order to put the end of Parapluie virus.

After his work, Henry finally made the Chiron shot.

Henry: I DID IT!

The door automatically open, to be Markus, Gentiane, Persica and Kalina.

Markus: Really?

Henry: I finished the bloody research! I made the anti-Virus!!

Persica: Really!?

Henry: Yes, Persica, I made it.

Markus: So what's the name of Anti-Virus?

Henry shows Markus, Gentiane, Kalina and Persica to Chiron shot.

Henry: This is the Anti-Parpluie virus called Chiron.

Kalina, Gentiane and Persica: Chiron?

Henry: Chiron is the anti-Digital Virus, it is design to erase the Parpluie inside the Neural Cloud without erasing the memories and unbrainwashed the mind of the Dolls.

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