Episode 7 Minsk

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Flashback after the Russian Capture Hesh's group,

Logan: *voiceover* Yeah, and thats why we were captured by Russian, and taken us to prison. About half ago, the prisoner were been freed by the group called Boshevik.

Markus: *voiceover* Bolshevik groups?

Logan: *voiceover* They said, they were willing to bring back the Soviet Union. 

Keagan: *voiceover* Well damn shit.

Logan: *voiceover* I know its true, they told us to help us if we can get out this Russian mainland.

Markus: *Voiceover* So what did you do?



March 15 2032

Berezovich Kryuger

G.H.O.S.T, Bolsheviks

Minsk, Belarus

Berezovich Kryuger can be seen wearing a Russian soldier along with his friend Hesh, Logan, and Merrick who were rescued by Bolsheviks soldiers and the white army. Now he met Tsvigun and Viktor, willing to help them to fight back the federal government of Russian Federation if they want to live.

Inside the Russian gunship

Hesh's group were inside, as Logan eating a chocolate bar.

Logan: *sigh* I can imagine how this tastes. After prison breakout, we've been capture, this taste like sweet.

Logan took another bite of the chocolate bar.

Berezovich Kryuger: You know, you could get a mod that makes everything taste good.

After Logan finished his chocolate, he yelled one of the white army to his chocolate bar.

Logan: Its all yours!

Merrick: So, Viktor plans to capture the Minsk, were the Russia set up the defense line, our goals to breach in and let the white army to take the city.

Hesh: If that so, they willing lets us go if we breach the Minsk.

Then the pilot speaks to the armies as they were about to land.

Russian pilot: *COMMS* Alright, this is as far as we go.

The side door opened as small groups touch to the ground with small white army. They arrived at the Minsk defense lines, they noticed a Russia search party driving around the city.

Berezovich Kryuger: It's the search party, what are they doing?

Merrick: They're patrolling the area if there was intruder, hope we're not too late, Viktor said meet Yuri Orelov.

Hesh: So let's get breach in, before the white army and Bolsheviks arrived any minute now.

Volka 10-1: *Russian* All teams, push to the set points.

Volka 10-3: *Russian* Rog, on the move.

Logan: We need to keep this on a tight loop. Yuri Orelov and his move should be in the city, so we should find the tunnel and breach in.

Volka 10-7: Say Americans, I heard you fought the Wagner groups in Middle East, taking down the general.

Logan: No shit, he's the one who hate the general.

As the move forward, Volka leader halt his team and Hesh's group noticed the Russian soldiers.

Russian soldiers 1#: *Russian* Who's there?

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