Final Chapter Judgement day and Reunion?

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Secretary Angeles and President Samatha are sitting in a database bunker looking at Rorke's attack.

Angeles: Madame president, we know how Rorke pulled it off. It's now clear that Rorke was to be captured and brought to Elias Walker, to execute his attack.

Samatha: You mean a Trojan horse. Odysseus. The one Menendez's use.

Angeles: He used a Relic Celerium device to infect entire national servers with a virus. compromising the entire military satellite infrastructure. Bad news is, the drones and humanoids are still his. While droids were recovered. He is piggybacking on communication satellites all over the world.

Samatha: And what are our options?

Angeles: The good news is... we've traced the source of the signals.

The computer screen shows Bremen

Samatha: Bremen?

Angeles: Well the JSOC's and Ghosts are in the sky right now. Thank to Stasi agents to lets us in. We only have T minus 10 minutes we'll be boots on the ground.

Samatha: And how long before the drones gets to other cities?

Angeles: At current rate and trajectory... approximately T minus 10.

Samatha: Oh my God, What about china?

Angeles: We are launching a coordinated simultaneous attack on Bremen. We can trust Premier Tai now. He will not let us down.

Samatha: Hesh, what about the New Federation?

Hesh appeared on the screen

Hesh: The New Federation will provide support on sea and air, they will send some soldiers to joint forces

The scene shows every major countries around the world shocked and panic seeing the drones controlled by Rorke prepared to unleash the attack.

Samatha: Is this the end?

Hesh: Madame President... we hope this world must regain balance. Gold help us all.


Judgement Day

Bremen, East Germany

Markus Walker codename: Walker

JSOC, New Federation (Alliance), G.H.O.S.T. - GnK (Joint Operation)

July 11 2066

Markus is in a VTOL with his team and AR Team.

Pilot: Time on target in 60 seconds.

S T-Doll attached wingpack to another back while AR Team got their first wingpack, Markus attached wingpack on his back as US Marine check.

US Marine: Okay, you're set now.

US Army check MTZ-762's wingpack.

US Marine: Your HUD link clear?

MTZ-762: It's all good. 

US Marine: All right, Crow. You're good to go.

As HUD links turns on other S T-Dolls, T-Dolls and commanders.

Markus: Alright everyone listen up. We have final objective. Shut down the transmission controlling the drones... Execute kill or capture order on Gabriel T Rorke.

Alex: *COMMS* I vote kill. 

Angelia: *COMMS* I don't thinks is not option.

FARA 83: *COMMS* Well I prefer capture.

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