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((Did I ever mention this fic would be updating Mondays?))

He was flattening out a hill into terraces, which was a lot of work, especially when a certain creeper occasionally leapt over to explode for no reason. Blue had discovered he was very good at dodging, and simply said nothing when the other reformed to find his fragments had been flung into a fenced off ditch. It didn't mean he didn't want to be friends, though. Clearly they both liked having someone to talk to, even if Killer was an absolute menace.

Still, the creation of the new fields were going along nicely, and if nothing else, Killer was helpful for obtaining seeds. For whatever reason the creeper had lots of random junk stored in his mass, and with a little convincing would give up a few unique seeds he'd obtained in his travels. Blue had never actually heard of watermelon or pumpkin, but he most definitely wanted to grow them! Though he had yet to figure out cocoa beans and glowberries.

Killer seemed to have been around a bit longer than him, given all the random things he knew. Glowberries didn't grow out of the dirt, they dug roots into ceilings and sprouted downward. Cocoa beans were something he'd found growing off the sides of trees. Pumpkins and melons were huge fruits that likely needed space to grow.

He clearly wasn't as interested in growing other things as Blue was, but certainly had an intelligent perspective, being a sort of plant himself. Of course, hanging around Killer did end up answering a few questions Blue had about creepers in general.

Killer would sometimes pause his shenanigans for several hours to simply stand in the sun, often rooting into the dirt for those spans. Occasionally the creeper would splash into water for seemingly no reason. The only explanations he got was the other drank with his feet and ate the sun.
Not even Killer was sure how he did that, he just knew that was how he worked.

Eventually though, Blue had more burning questions to answer that he had been putting off for a while.
Can skeletons (and now creepers) eat?
He'd been putting it off because villagers did need to eat, and he wanted to make sure they had enough when he could go without and have no problems. But now that he was creating more than enough fields with all sorts of new foods, he thought he'd give it a try.

Killer was actually just as curious when he admitted the question, having never bothered to cook when he didn't even have hands. Blue felt bad that he didn't have hands, though he couldn't do anything about that. He couldn't change people, only the world.

So he gave cooking a try, taking a newly grown pumpkin as he read an old cookbook that the villagers had also abandoned. They couldn't exactly use it when they didn't even have half the resources most of the recipes required.
Blue was quickly changing that, of course. Having a bucket worked wonders for getting water places. Especially in streams for sugarcane to be grown around.

It certainly smelled nice when finished, though Blue still struggled with cutting it up like the recipe said.
The first slice was offered to Killer, who in excitement suddenly shot out a long tendril of a maybe tongue? Or an equivalent? Either way, he still paused before groaning. He didn't seem to experience anything special when trying to eat.
Which was just terrible.

So Blue tried it himself.
Given he had never actually experienced food before, he was initially overwhelmed and spat it out.
“Whoa you have a blue tongue.” Killer startled him with that comment. Blue hesitated, rest of the slice still plated. “I have a tongue?”
Killer now stared, entirely caught off guard. “..How did you think you talked?”
“I don't know, I think I forgot to focus on how and only wondered why when I thought about it.” Blue finally remarked before looking into a window at his reflection.

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