Arachnophobia and Invisibility

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Blue jolted upwards to a silent room. Sunlight was streaming through the small window in one wall, and he felt weirdly.. good. Relaxed? It was certainly new.
It was also quiet. And was he covered in a blanket?
Wait, back up, he could have sworn there'd been noise before.
.. Before what?

He climbed out of the bed, briefly considering whether he should try that again. He still wasn't sure how exactly to go to sleep. A part of him found the thought ridiculous, but it was true. Either way, there were things to do. He glanced out at the vast lake stretching out beyond the window.
...Or was it an ocean? Now that he thought about it, he wasn't sure. It was definitely huge, though he'd heard somewhere that oceans were saltwater, not freshwater.

I'm sure there's freshwater oceans. Geno reminded him that he wasn't alone with his thoughts.
Blue shrugged at that, deciding the musings weren't worth his time. With a skip in his step, Blue made his way to the stairs, hopping down the spiral to the first floor, landing with a bit of a thunk, bones clacking into each other.

He was greeted to the sound of distant arguing.
..He should probably get used to that. All his new friends seemed not always the nicest to each other. Especially Killer, though he was used to his rudeness already. Dust also seemed a bit rude, though his intentions were generally honest. Though it sounded like the enderman was most upset, given the rather unforgettable sounds of that distorted screeching mixed in with the shouting.

He made his way out, finding them on literal opposite ends of the enormous porch, yelling at each other. Killer next to a random spider on one end, Dust leaning against a pillar on the other with Horror, visibly frustrated, about halfway between them. The zombie saw him first, gesturing helplessly.

That caught the enderman's attention, screeching incoherently before waving at the giant, unusually hairy arachnid. It was oddly purple.
"The £ü¢[{ is that thing?!" His voice warped as he demanded. "It ain't fucking right!"

"He threw a potion at it and now it's friendly!" Killer sounded annoyed. "And purple!"
"I had to throw something! Look at that thing! What the fuck?!"
"It's a spider." Horror made a strangled sound as he spoke, utterly frustrated.

Blue sighed, approaching the oddly lilac spider and peering at it. The many eyes looked up at him, body tilted. He found it oddly endearing for a usually blankly staring creature. It seemed to have a sort of intelligence of it's own.
"What did you throw at it?" He asked the enderman.

"I don't know! Experimental potion, can't remember, just threw ingredients from here together to see what it does! Why the hell is it like that?!"
"Like what?" Blue couldn't understand. Dust just gestured vaguely, maybe like he was miming strangling it. "Hairy like that?? It looks wrong."

"Spiders tend to be a bit hairy. Are they not in the Netherworld?" He asked placatingly, finding he was petting an oddly affectionate spider.
"No! They're nowhere that fucking creepy! They're still fucked up, but at least they're not- heugh-" He gagged over the railing suddenly, not wanting to look away from the arachnid. Blue actually saw him vomit up glowing purple into the water.

"Just keep that thing away from me!" He shouted, still with an edge of static in his voice as he pointed. Then he teleported to who knows where.
Killer just scoffed. "I don't get why he's scared of a spider. And a nice one, too."

Horror sighed dramatically, staring at the floor before looking over.
"They look creepy." He agreed with the enderman, now approaching.
"You could keep it." Killer suggested. "Spiders and skeletons go together, right?"
Blue considered it, watching the arachnid lift itself up to reach his hand again, outright grabbing him with its pedipalps.
"I've tried riding one once." He admitted, continuing to pet it. "I couldn't get it to go anywhere. I don't know how regular skeletons guide spiders."

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