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((Yes, more pictures. And yes, there's a mod or two. Did I say that in the comments of the last chapter? I don't actually know as of writing this note, these chapters are all prewritten, lol!))

"It was a bastion. It was supposed to be a bastion.."

“Is this not what you'd seen before?” Geno cautiously asked, concerned.
“No, I-” He finally tore himself from the sight, looking down at them. He had never before looked so lost.
“It was just another bastion then. I even looted it. There weren't.. floors. Just pieces like all the other ones. I-I- look! That side's still broken up!” He was looking back at it, sounding almost desperate as he pointed at the largely hidden towering shape on the right.

As he said, there were no new bricks in the deteriorated portion

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As he said, there were no new bricks in the deteriorated portion. Not even elegant pillars adorning the corners, just flat edges that were missing pieces.
“..So someone's been repairing it?” Killer drew the obvious, yet impossible conclusion.
For a few long moments, they all stood in stunned silence.

“Who would even bother dealing with all those piglins to do that..?” Dust muttered in utter confusion. Blue blinked in consideration as Geno straightened in understanding.
“I think the answer is in the question.” The wither stated, somewhat mysteriously as he started heading down the slope at a leisurely pace.
“Why don't we find out for ourselves?”

That had Killer following eagerly, though Blue still hesitated. Looking at Dust, he had to ask.
“Are you alright?”
The dichromatic eyes were reluctant to peel off the structure that rivaled- maybe even surpassed- the size of Blue's mansion, though eventually they did.
“I dunno.” Dust admitted weakly.
“I just.. I'm thinking.”

“Do you need to stay here for now? I can stay with you if you'd like.” Blue offered kindly. As much as he wanted to explore the admittedly enormous building in front of him, he knew Geno would keep Killer in check, and he valued Dust's stability.
It would be cruel to leave the enderman when he needed someone.

“No, I'll.. I'll look with you. It already looks weird from outside.” He started forward haltingly, pausing when Blue didn't immediately walk with him.
Eventually the skeleton let it go and joined him, letting himself be teleported closer to catch up with the wither and creeper now heading into the lowest entrance.

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