A Blaze

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Horror didn't care for the slime, no matter how much it unsettled the others. He was already mostly a sack of rotting meat with a desperate hunger half the time anyway, why would he turn down something that helped hold it together for him? If anything, he found he was grateful the slime existed, though he couldn't tell Dust. The other was still freaked out that he had inadvertently created something so weird.

The slime wasn't that bad. Horror didn't even have to bother with it much. Sure, he needed water more than before, as the slime clearly didn't like drying out. Given how it would automatically stick to things and stiffen up, Horror found he didn't like it drying out either.

So he got used to the extra weight and management and moved on. If Geno repeatedly asked if he was okay, he repeated the same answer as always.
He was fine. He was great, even. There was so much pain he'd forgotten about that was simply gone. Horror loved that slime!

The speed at which he worked had nearly doubled, and while he was aware of the looks Geno gave him now, he wasn't going to say anything unless the dark skeleton spoke first. He was content with enjoying things as they were. And enjoy them he did.

Horror was delighted to find other things he enjoyed. While building was nice and he was pretty good at it, he found that carving was something that engaged him far more than expected. Yet even beyond that, he found that there was more to redstone than potions and energy boosts.
And he knew what to do with it the moment he noticed a reaction.

It sent him down a strange path for half a month, carving into the inside walls he'd already built just to set up something he was only partly aware of. He couldn't quite explain what he was doing when asked, only that it was to do with lighting and power.

Still, he collected redstone from the cave systems below, and was able to pack his excess into a single, dense clump that sparked. Horror knew then, something clicking internally as he set it into place in the wall at the storage closet near what was going to become his kitchen. All the odd lamps without light in the walls lit up at once, their glow soft and inviting.
This will do. It'll do nicely.

He could move on now, fully aware of what he was doing. He'd have to try and teach someone when he could, though for now, he needed to go back to the Nether. There was still an unfinished wall in the lower floors, and he'd been using a lot of quartz in making them. The solid white material paired nicely with the mangrove wood and red bricks. It was like himself. White bone, red flesh, grayed skin like mossy stone.. maybe it didn't perfectly match, but he still admired the look of it all.

Most of the walls were already furnished too, though he wasn't exactly supposed to work in that order. He was doing everything out of order, really. The windows were already put in despite knowing that was meant to be done when construction was finished. Furniture was already carved and set out around downstairs when the building itself wasn't even complete yet. Horror didn't care.

No one was going to tell him how he wanted to build things. Blue didn't care how he built, so long as he didn't hurt himself. Geno was already watching in case something happened, though the other had no idea how to do anything. That was alright. He was teaching him. Mostly. He was still reading many books, often alongside Fresh. Horror wouldn't stop him, it was sort of like the two were bonding like brothers.
It made him wonder if he ever had a brother before.. before he became undead.

That didn't matter. No need to mourn a life he couldn't remember. Especially one where he might've been a terrible person.
Was he even the same? Or was he just someone new in a body whose previous owner was gone?
That was a bit of a mystery. Best not get too existential, that wasn't a good path to fall down.

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