People are Unhinged

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((You're going to see pictures. They're going to be Minecraft. For now, just pretend that all the foliage in them just.. isn't there. Because story wise, it's literally not there yet. But uh. Yeah, that's about it, enjoy!))

Stone bricks were easier to create than clay bricks.
That was something he had learned since the projects started. It wasn't going to stop Horror, though. He'd insisted on that red color mixed with white cement. He wanted his great house to be made of mostly clay bricks.

So he went out and collected what he needed mostly on his own. Blue helped where he could, as did some of the others- Geno really liked helping the zombie once he got the hang of walking around on his own two feet. But everyone was starting their own projects.

Even Dust, who was conducting strange potion experiments on the gray chicken and others. Especially after some weird potions seemed unable to wear off. The chicken was unusually large now, half the size of a pig and somehow light enough to fly. The glowing red and white eyes didn't make it any less creepy, though the parrot- Jay, now- had taken a liking to the abnormally large bird.
For some reason Dust named the chicken Cyanide.

While that was happening, Blue was both trying to weave a lot more clothes and starting on remodeling the whole village. It was hard work, but as Fluffy grew more amicable, he learned that having the ability to climb anywhere while building was helpful. The spider would still occasionally get distracted, but otherwise seemed to listen to him now when he clung to it and built.

Blue still occasionally had to fend off potions thrown at the spider when Dust randomly decided to be violent towards the poor arachnid. A few landed sometimes, resulting in weird effects. Fluffy got softer, the once sparse hair now more like actual fur, red eyes lightening to a nearly pink hue, glowing much like the chicken's eyes.

Error had taken to calling Fluffy an abomination- it was practically his favorite word, and he called everything he saw one. His unpleasant behavior just went ignored by everyone most of the time, save for Killer, who had entirely too much fun goading the wither on. Killer's need for chaos resulted in the discovery that Error could shoot an explosive.. something. It was black, that was all anyone could tell. It was bad enough that he, Fresh and Geno were all unnaturally strong. Everyone blamed Dust for that one, the enderman admitted to mixing the base ingredients and fully made potions granting strength for their creation.

Though it had its uses. Fresh was able to help carry larger things and even outright picked up the golem once to move it out of the way.
Even the mindless golem had stared as if in shock at that.
Barring that, Blue went ahead and taught Fresh how he built things. It was surprisingly difficult, because a lot of what he knew was spontaneous knowledge that the other just didn't have. Fresh was still open to learn everything, often with Blue, but sometimes with Horror or Dust.

Surprisingly, when Dust returned to the Nether to attend to his small home or mine for materials, Error followed, even going so far as to help.
Though that help entailed explosively boring enormous tunnels deep in the realm, resulting in a mess of lava a solid 90% of the time. The wither would often leave Dust alone there to check in with the sands. His mood after that would always be concerning. Excited but full of himself or uncertain and hostile.

Yet, in time, despite everything, the village was coming together. The market stalls were rebuilt bigger and better, lampposts replaced with hanging lanterns, as the large bulbs on poles really were a fire hazard during thunderstorms. Blue learned to quickly and efficiently make mud bricks with the stables, yet moved on with new ideas.

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