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He was proud of himself. The random idea had actually worked. Blue seemed completely out, just laying there, arms slightly folded over each other. Horror pulled out one of the blankets the skeleton had left behind just that morning, tucking it over him.

Even if Blue was anything like the exposed bone on himself and completely unbothered by the cold, he still felt it was the right thing to do. If anything, it made the other look less uncomfortable.
And sometimes appearances mattered.

Horror was quietly looking forward to actually building and sleeping in his own bed. It seemed right. And given how Dust had acted, the enderman could use some good sleep too. All part of the plan.
…Not that he knew all the details yet. He'd figure that out. He was still getting the hang of how different everything was now. Going from wandering alone to suddenly three others was a huge shock. Still.

It felt nice to care for someone like himself. Someone who could think and talk and understand him. On some level, he could see Blue felt the same. The skeleton was so quick to offer food without even knowing if it would help. He still felt guilty for insisting on more. He'd just been so desperate for a little more.

Horror eventually departed, glancing back at the skeleton under the sheet and then the room. He was still proud of the room. He'd put it together so quickly, and it still looked so nice. He'd never made something so nice before. He'd never really had the chance.

So he made his way down the staircase and walked into the main hall, blinking at the sight of Dust half crouched at some shelves, studying a potted cornflower. Killer emerged from the other room, rings in his eyeholes. “Is he okay? Didn't combust or anything?” He demanded.
“..I got him sleepin’.” Horror stated.

“I would've followed, but dumbass over here is being weird about everything.”
“You fell in the water.. pool thing.” Dust waved vaguely, and Horror realized the creeper was in fact dripping.
“You're supposed to hug corners when you wanna go fast. Not my fault he doesn't have walls on the inside of the stairs.”
Horror just deadpanned at him.

He turned and walked off.
“Where are you going?” Killer called, starting to follow.
“Getting a towel. Floor's wet.”
“You don't even know where those are kept.” Killer scoffed, pushing him into another room. Horror just rolled his eyelight, continuing. “I found them before. You weren't looking.” He punctuated that by opening a barrel half hidden under some stairs and bringing out some slightly less skillfully woven sheets of fabric.

Killer scowled at him for knowing before stumbling as one was thrown in his face. “Motherfucker!” He was muffled, trying to throw off the fabric and failing. Horror just snickered at the sight.
“Not fucking funny, asshole!” Killer continued wriggling. “I can't just take it off like you!”

Dust appeared in the wide archway, glancing up at the top that was still above him before snorting at Killer's predicament. The creeper paused, turning slightly under the sheet.
“Are you both laughing at me?!”

“Nah.” Dust denied, still chuckling.
“You know I can hear you!”
“Hear what?”
“Bitch, don't fuck with me!” Killer charged, but he miscalculated the angle and slammed into a wall.
They both cackled as he stumbled back with a myriad of curses. He managed to tear the towel off, glowering at them with the awkwardly turned leg he'd used to yank at the lower edge.

He snarled, an odd sight from a creeper, before turning and storming off. Dust just snorted harder.
“Is he really just that slow?” He asked Horror.
The zombie shrugged. “He's a creeper. They're not fast.”
“Why doesn't he just stand up?” Dust's laughter was dying out, replaced with curiosity.
“He.. is standing.”

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