A New World

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((This is the second chapter of today's update, just in case you were led by notifications here there is a chapter right before it!))

He was waking up again, feeling a strange sort of deja vu as he blinked at a wall. He stared, watching it come into focus. That was his wall. He'd built it. He'd harvested the stone from the earth, cut down the wood himself. He was proud of that.
Yet the strange feeling of his thoughts slowly coming to him was so familiar. He couldn't help but think about a quiet night sky, wearing nothing but leather pants and a simple helmet.

Blue blinked, feeling the wall behind him, his armor nowhere to be found. Just his clothes.. and something he didn't quite recognize. Some piles of white were shoved against his sides, soft and vaguely familiar. He picked at it, memories coming back. These were sheets from one of the villager beds.

There was a strange clatter somewhere, something metallic hitting stone or a similar material with a bit of force, making him look up. He saw the now oddly comforting crimson eyelight of Horror staring at him, wide with a strange expression on his face. It seemed remarkably sharp and clear, even containing faint striations like a real eye but in glittering, luminous red. There was something in his bony hand that he glanced at, then quickly turned to put down.

And then Horror was crouching in front of him, looking beyond concerned as he gripped Blue's shoulders. He was saying something, but the sounds were distant. He just seemed to be pulsing with energy. It was distracting. Blue had to hold up a hand to get a moment, slowly touching his skull in confusion.

Eventually the slight ringing and oppressive silence filled with faint crackling like fire began to lift, letting sounds come to him again. He could hear things slamming somewhere, coming closer until he saw a truly distressed Killer burst into the room, a particularly reddish glow seeping between the gaps of his main body.
“Are you okay?! Please tell me you can talk. Please. Please.” His voice sounded loud, uncomfortably so.

“I.. I can speak.” Blue found he sounded scratchy, still distracted by the deep well within Horror but also the chaotic swirl of power in Killer as well. Normally he could ignore it. Usually he ignored it. For some reason it seemed to be screaming at him now, and he was struggling to think around it.

Blue realized Killer had moved to sit beside him, legs folded under him as he waited anxiously.. for what?
Horror was just on his knees, a porkchop sitting on a plate, held out to him.
“I don't eat.” Blue finally addressed him, smiling sadly as he pushed it away. “Really, it was all for you.”

Horror just stared at him strangely, Killer stammering slightly, trying to say something but stumbling over his own words.
“Can't or don't?”
Blue was startled at how much clearer and confident sounded in his own words, blinking up at that burning red iris. It was so big and.. entrancing.
“What do you mean?” He finally remembered his own words.

“Don't eat, or can't eat?” Horror clarified, oddly assertive.
Blue pushed himself further upright, dislodging the blankets originally helping him sit up.
“I suppose I don't. I don't need to. I'd rather it went to someone in actual need-” He cut short when the plate was set on his lap, staring at it before looking at Horror, stupefied.
“It helps more than you think.”

He regarded the meat with some trepidation. Pumpkin pie was one thing, but this had come from a living creature. One he'd watched die painfully.
Blue wasn't sure how to explain that without sounding rude.
“I.. I'm sorry, I've only recently learned I can eat at all.” He worked out.

Somehow, the vaguely mystified look quickly morphed to understanding. “Too much?” Horror asked. Blue smiled apologetically, trying not to look like he wanted to get away from the plate.
“What, only a plant eater?” Killer latched onto the chance to tease, likely searching for a sense of normalcy.

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