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((Heehee you get pictures today.))

Blue was building a wither.
Not very well, exactly, but he was doing it.
He was putting together a lot of things, hoping the energy would multiply against each other. He was relying pretty heavily on random and offhand comments on what the trio remembered withers to be like.
Unfortunately, they couldn't recall much.

So he was doing some weird things. Like buying more rods off the cleric for their energy, coating them in redstone for that energy and trying to put them into the sand like they were bones. He'd pressed Dust's star into the somewhat malleable sea heart, hoping that would sort of act as.. a heart.

He couldn't be sure of the actual biology of withers. The book was surprisingly unhelpful in that area, mostly describing how weak the tri-skulled shadows were in comparison. At least he knew hat he had to improve the most. Sort of.

Blue was sort of skimming through the book as he worked, trying to memorize everything. He had no idea what would actually happen to it after he did this, but he couldn't expect to still be able to read it.

He ended up remembering how obsidian was supposed to be a channel of magic, racing around to grab some more and carve it into more “bones”. He'd found that Dust had just left some freaky black kulls slightly larger than his own on a shelf inside, taking them and some gold. Gold was supposed to channel magical energy as well.

The entire time he worked, the voices were fretting over how in the worlds this was supposed to work. Blue had no idea. He just put his all into it. If a shadow of withers could come to life through simply dropping miscellaneous skulls on sand, then adding a bunch of conduits of power should really trigger.. something. He wasn't yet sure. He just knew that a blue light flickered off his phalanges when he touched it now. That had to mean something.

Lapis was important too. He ended up carving rings from it, briefly entering his kitchen to use the blast furnaces and anvil there. Horror was baffled at first, until he explained. Then the other wanted to help.
His idea was to fill one of the skulls with redstone. Blue shrugged at that, adding a small gold and lapis-ringed disc into one of the sockets. He liked to think he was creating eyelights for the would-be wither. Would they really be lights if they were solid material? He had no idea.

Horror kept asking if they were making a mistake with every other thing, while Blue chose to assure him that they were only erring on the side of caution.
The Destroyer was even less confident, but Blue was sure he'd be proven wrong! He just needed to finish the lapis and gold binds to hold the round sea heart to the white star. Lots of magic there. And withers were supposed to have a lot of magic.

A tail was mentioned by Geno, though he wasn't sure how that worked structurally. So he extended the sort of obsidian spine he was carving, interlocking pieces together using lapis, sort of like a chain. Somewhere in the book he read something about withers having blades at their tails, and he initially created one out of diamond. However, that didn't seem like enough.

Horror thankfully had skimmed the other book, pointing out that netherite was an extremely durable metal from, unsurprisingly, the Nether. That explained the armor Dust wore.
The enderman reappeared then, having been watching silently from somewhere nearby. He had ingots ready, simply taking the weapon to one of the tables and somehow coating it.

The enderman added his piece by carefully adding potions and potion ingredients into the mess of sand and materials. A weird plant called nether wart was coated in ground up rods and smeared in a gelatinous substance he called magma cream, something he used as a proto potion to protect against fire, which he figured withers probably had. That inspired Blue to start carving both lesser and greater enchantments into the difficult to work with obsidian “bones”.

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