Not Alone

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"You see Carrot, the entire top half of the wheat must be yellow when harvested, otherwise not all of the seeds are ripe." He explained to the cat lazily watching him work. The straw hat on his skull started slipping forward as he bent over again, corrected with a free hand as he tugged the domestic grass out of the tilled soil. A bit of energy seeped into his bones from the effort, and he knew he had enough for what he'd been waiting for.

"Oh! You see that? I can do the magic now!" He exclaimed to the lazy feline before throwing seeds into the plot and taking off.
He sped past villagers minding their business, heading to the large structure rising out of the lake.
He'd spent several days and nights working on a building that included many things he'd found during his travels. It was also big enough to house everyone in the community at night, using both the water, fences and walls to keep out.. uninvited guests.

Of course, it was only meant to be temporary, as he wanted to remake all the houses in the village as well. He could do it, so he would. He'd like to see what else he could do. So far everything has been incredible. He'd found he could read the books on the shelves and everything starting getting better from there.

There were books on farming, blacksmithing, clothmaking, brewing potions, a highly prized and magical book just for enchanting weapons and armor, and another, somewhat forgotten book on the surprisingly fine art of weaving enchantments into cloth. Those had far more variety, though most of them were to only protect the materials, not the wearer.
He still found that it didn't break when he delicately wove sun shield into a bandana. A blue one, dyed with cornflowers and white dye.

So many books on so many things, all brimming with their own protective and channeling spells that the revered red book of enchantments seemed to feed on. It really took a lot of energy. The same power that coursed through everything that seeped into him at random was what it needed to truly do anything. Trying otherwise tended to kill a lot of things in a short radius while simply producing pitiful spells.

So Blue made sure to follow the recommendations, and now he was here, ready to add another one to his armor. Specifically his chestplate this time, as it could generate a weaker field of protection against the sun and fire in general if he were to do so. Blue was going to take all the fire protection he could get. He was at a considerably higher risk of combustion than others around him, after all.

As the power settled into the armor and Blue slumped slightly over the black podium it and the book hovered over, he glanced at the orange cat.
"See, Carrot? There's so many things one can do to improve themselves. I ought to dress you up in armor yourself!"
Amber eyes stared blankly at him.
"It's not as if you're invulnerable, you know!" He lectured, straightening again.

Of course, because he was a cat, Carrot continued to stare.
"Oh sure, you look at me that way now. You'll see. I'll have to come in and save the day for you!"
The silence between them stretched on.
Carrot turned to start grooming himself.
"Really, you're just being silly now." Blue huffed, crossing his arms and turning away. "So lazy." He muttered, picking himself up and plucking the chestplate out of the air, feeling the new energy around it and attempting to memorize it. He liked the idea of knowing enchantments at a glance. It felt suitably cool for a skeleton like himself.

Then he was walking back out, idly calling for Carrot to follow if he didn't want to get lost. Of course, that meant the feline wouldn't chase after him. Carrot was a little menace like that.
Regardless, he still had his chores.

And by chores, he meant clearing the recently grown in patch of forest he planted not too long ago. Saplings liked to shoot up into adulthood when they weren't watched. So he twirled an axe and opened a recently constructed gate to leave the village. Fences worked wonders for stopping others from intruding and attacking villagers.

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