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((8,200 words, y'all.)

He abruptly sat up with a choked gasp, leaning forward to cough hoarsely. The surroundings were dark, but he was blinded by a beam of sunlight. There was a weariness tugging at his bones, but he slowly folded his legs under himself anyway.
Gradually, memories came back to him.

First, he gasped again, checking his shirt. No sign of the chestplate, and it was oddly sooty.
Lifting it up, he found his sternum and ribs scarred, a cerulean glow gently pulsing behind them. Lifting further, he studied the vague sphere of fire.

Something moved just beyond the pool of sunlight, and he squinted nervously, still bewildered.
He had no idea how he was alive, nor back in one piece. And now there were dimly glowing purple eyes. Hazel survived too??

The figure approached, with odd sounding footsteps, hidden by the sharp contrast of light and dark. He leaned away, still woozy until a furry, lilac head poked into the light, mandibles wiggling.
“...Fluffy?” Blue hesitantly asked, shocked at how raspy he sounded.

The 6 other eyes fluttered open, oddly violet as opposed to their original pinkish hue. It was weird seeing the spider with a head now, angled upwards.
“How are you feeling?” A voice uncannily similar to Hazel asked. Blue twitched in surprise, staring at the shifting mouthparts.
…That was the spider. Okay.

“A little tired?” He hesitantly supplied, baffled by the situation. The spider drew closer, regarding him with surprisingly kind eyes.. why did she have eyelids now? Not to mention sideways eyelids.. and the pedipalps had three finger-like appendages each. 

“I think that's an improvement.” Fluffy? rasped, adjusting something behind him. Blue glanced to see what sort of resembled some kind of cocoon.
“Is it a very good pillow? Not much down here.” The spider asked lightly.
“I'm sure it is.” He absently replied, processing.
“I don't think I remember what it felt like.”
The gaze was suddenly a little intense.
“What do you remember?”

He glanced up, squinting at the sun. “We were falling, and I hit the corner..” He shuddered violently at the memory before regarding her. “You.. are Fluffy, right? Or would you remember that?”
“I remember.” She looked relieved, pedipalps gripping each other. “It's a little strange.” She added, looking up. “I ate her? Why did I do that.”
Somehow that explained so much yet so little.

“Where is everyone?” Blue ended up asking.
She shrugged by lifting her front legs up and down.
“They went back after a while. The dragon cried a lot, I think that woke up the Lady.”
Who?” He questioned.

Me.” A voice announced behind him. Blue flinched at the sheer volume, feeling it shake both himself and the ground as he turned. The eyes were enormous, glowing a bright green with yellowish centers.
“She's very nice.” The spider noted brightly.
He still had to get used to her sounding like Hazel.

Blue glanced back at the gigantic eyes watching him, hesitantly raising a hand.
“I am.. a little confused as to how I'm alive.” He admitted uncertainly.
The ancient, feminine voice washed over him.
You are not.” She stated simply. He could sort of feel that voice in his skull as well as hear it, watching a bright, yellow-green glow appear and disappear as a giant, jagged mouth opened and closed.
You are a strange Undead.

“..I have been told that before.” He smiled bashfully, averting his gaze. “I somehow can wield Wither magic.” By explanation, he turned and lifted the probably pillow behind him with the telekinesis. He quickly dropped it as he felt drained.
It is not often that the Undead become creatures of Spirit.” The Lady, whatever she was, began.
Especially in this time, when the source of the Spirits is no more. Tell me.. thinking skeleton.. how did you come to be?

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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