"Relax Jesse, everything will be okay!" Your best friend shakes your shoulders. Tomorrow is your wedding, and you're currently freaking out, because you still haven't gotten your dress yet and they aren't done setting up. And the worst thing of it all, is that you haven't seen Niall in two days. You're not sure where he even went, he won't answer your text, calls, nothing!
"The only part I'm worried about it Niall!" You exclaim, and start to pace around the room.
"I'm sure he's okay," she reassures you. You nod, and sit back down.
"It's getting late. I should get to bed," you say, making sure your best friend got the cue that you wanted her to leave.
"Oh yeah, totally," she shakes her head, "I'll see you tomorrow." And with that she walked out of your apartment.
Late yesterday night Niall finally texted you, and told you that he was perfectly fine. He just had some late preparations he had to take care of for work. Today is the that that you'd finally be able to marry your best friend, Niall.
"Are you ready?" Your best friend asks you, while grinning. You nod your head, and stand behind the door that block you from your soon to be husband.
"All rise for the bride." Everyone stands up and you walk out the door, and down the isle. You lock eyes with a grinning Niall, and never look away.
"You're beautiful," he mouths. You blush and look down, like you always have when he compliments you.
Once you get up to Niall, he instantly grabs your hand. The priest starts to talk, but you zone out.
Niall nudges you, and nods to the priest. Your eyes widen and your cheeks heat up.
"Do you, Jesse, take, Niall, to be your husband, your friend, your faithful partner and your love from this day forward. In the presence your family and friends, do you offer solemn vow to be thief faithful partner in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, and in joy as well as in sorrow. Do you promise to love them unconditionally, to support them in their goals, to honor and respect them, to laugh with them and cry with them, and to cherish them for as long as you both shall live?" The priest repeats.
"I do," you say.
"Do you," he looks over to Niall," Niall, take, Jesse, to be your wife, your friend, your faithful partner and your love from this day forward. In the presence your family and friends, do you offer solemn vow to be thief faithful partner in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, and in joy as well as in sorrow. Do you promise to love them unconditionally, to support them in their goals, to honor and respect them, to laugh with them and cry with them, and to cherish them for as long as you both shall live?"
"I do," Niall says, while staring at you.
"You may now kiss the bride," the priest days.
(Just so you all know I got all of that from Google and I give all credit to them, and whoever put it there. Plus I'm not even sure if that's how it goes, I just wanted to shorten it. So please don't comment and tell me that I did it wrong and bash me, because I know I most likely did. Thanks.)
Niall pulls you close to him, and gives you the most passionate kiss you both have ever shared. All of the guests stand up and applaud you both.
"The reason I've been gone, is because I was setting up our honey moon," he says to you and grinning.
"Where at?" You smile back at him.
"We're going to backpack across Europe, like you've always wanted to!" He exclaims excitedly.
"What? No way!" you exclaim back, and kiss him.
"I love you so much, Jesse," he mumbles, "so damn much."
"I love you too, Niall."
Sorry for any errors. Anywho, sorry I took so long to post this, homebaseniall . I hope you enjoy it(:
Please Vote&Comment. Thanks (:
XOXO, Gossip Girl.
Niall Horan Imagines
FanfictionNiall Horan imagines, that will surely make you hormonally emotional and cry. :)