Christmas Surprise

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I would just like to start out by saying.....


"Babee," Niall whispers in your ear.

"Wakey up! It's Christmas!" He says like an excited little boy.

"Nooooo," You groan, and while putting the pillow over your head.

"Yessss," He says while dragging out the 's'.

"Fine," You huff while throwing the covers off. You get up and march downstairs.

This would be the first Christmas you and Niall would be spending alone. Maura wanted you guys over in a couple of days. She said she wasn't prepared for everyone to come over yet.

Your and Niall's dog, Jax, jumped in your lap, when you sat down on the couch. Niall handed you a couple of boxes from under the tree.

"Niall, one, your wrapping sucks, and two, I said for you not to get me anything," You say while looking up at him.

"You know good and well that I was going to get you something, no matter what you say, (Y/N)," He says,while pecking your lips. "Now open up!"

You open up the first box, to reveal a beautiful red dress.

"Ni, this is b-beautiful," You say while looking at him.

You open up the next box to revel black healed booties, and the next box contained a while envelope clutch.

"Ni, Thank you thank you thank you," You say, while kissing all over his face.

"Your welcome, princess," He says while kissing you.

"Here," You say while handing him
six boxes. He opens them up. One box has a red and navy flannel, and the other has a grey t-shirt, and the other four contained Nike tennis shoes, Vans with stars on them, pair of skinny jeans, and a pair of Nike athletic shorts.

"Thank you so much, babe," He says, while kissing you again.

"I love you sososososo much," You mumble.

Jax barks, and you both pull away.

"Don't worry! We didn't forget you, buddy!" You say while petting him on the head.

You lay out a new bed for him, leather collar and leash, and some toys. He licks your cheek, and goes and lays down on his new bed.

You bend down and start to pick up the wrapping paper, to throw it all away.

"(Y/N)," Niall says from behind you.

"Hmm," you hum, while turning around to face him. Your eyes widen at the sight. He was down on one knee, and was holding open a box that contained a beautiful ring.

"(Y/N), Princess. I love you so much. I would tell you this sappy love story about how much I love you, but that would take a thousand years. Will you marry me?" He says while looking up at you.

You put your hand over your mouth. "I-I... Yes!" You say. He stands up and slips the ring onto your finger.

You throw your arms around his neck. He picks you up and spins you around.

"I love you so much, Nialler," You say, before kissing him passionately.

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