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Today was the day you'd finally get to meet your sunshines. The ones that have made you happy for the past four years. The ones who could heal a broken heart. They were your everything.


You made it to the stadium where the concert was being held. Your hand were so clammy. No one went with you, because no one loved the boys as much as you did.

"Ticket," The security at the front says. You hand them your ticket and they scan it.

"Ah VIP, come with me."

You follow their lead to back stage.

This is it you though. Don't screw up.

Seeing as no other fans besides a couple were back here, you decided to approach them.

"Hi, Im (Y/N)!" you said.

"Hi! I'm Anna, and this is my friend Hannah," the brunette says, while gesturing to her blonde friend.

"How old are you guys?" You ask.

"Fifteen," they say in unison.

"How about you?" Hannah asks.

"Nineteen," you smile back.

"Lucky," They both gasp. You let out a small giggle.

A security comes out telling us the boys will be here in a few minutes.

"I'm sooooo excited," They both squeal.

"Who's your favorite?" Anna asks.

"Niall," you gush. "You guys?"


" Zayn."

"There they are!!" Anna squeals while jumping up and down.

"You two," a security guard points at Anna and Hannah. "You're up first."

They both look at each other and squeal even more.

After about five minutes, it was finally your turn.

"Hi!" Liam says with a bright smile.

"Hi," you say shyly.

"How are you?" Harry asks with a wide smile.

"I'm good, how about you guys?" You ask.

"Quick picture," an inpatient person snaps.

You all pose for a picture. Harry throwing a peace sign, Zayn leaning on Louis, Liam going cross eyed and you smiling into the camera.

They print it out for you real quick and Niall hands it to you.

That's when you didn't realize what Niall was doing.

He wasn't making a funny face, he wasn't being serious, and he wasn't even smiling. He was looking at you with pure amazement. Wide grin, and bright eyes.

You look up at him and he's lightly smiling.

"Call me sometime," he said while gesturing to the picture. You turn it over and notice that he's wrote his number on the back.

You blush, and nod.

Niall Horan ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now