Sick Of It/ pt.3

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****NOT EDITED****

"Hi, do you happen to know Niall Horan's new number?" You ask into the phone. This was probably the tenth person you've called, and they all either told you "no", or "sorry we don't give out private information".

And no, you're not calling random people! You're calling people he's worked with, or is working with.

"Sorry Miss, we're not allowed to give out private information," the guy on the other end of the line tells you.

"Please," you beg into the phone, "I used to be really close to him. I'm just trying to contact him! It's urgent."

A long sigh could be heard from the other side of the phone. "You swear you're not some crazed fan?"

"No I swear on my life. I can prove to you that I know him... well knew him," you tell him.

"Look," he pointedly says,"I really would like to believe you, but I just can't. We get so many calls from fans saying that they personally know him."

"Never mind. Thanks," you grumble, before hanging up the phone.

Guess the only way to find him, is to fly to London.


About three hours later, you were standing in the Heathrow airport. (A/N: BTW YOU FLEW IN FROM DUBLIN.)

It was time to win back your man.

You grab your luggage, and head for the cab you called just moments when you walked out the terminal.

As you were trying to look at the time on your phone, you bump into someone. You forcefully fall down to the ground, causing your phone to skid across the floor.

"I'm so sorr-"

You look up to meet green eyes.



His eyes darken. "What are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same," you glare at him. You're not entirely sure why you were being mean to him, but it just felt right to.

"Maybe you forgot I live in London," he challenges.

"I meant the airport," you scowl.

He frowns in response. "Look (Y/N), I'm pretty sure Niall doesn't want to see you. No offense."

"Harry. Please just hear me out," you plead.

He looks you in the eyes, and let's out a long sigh.

"Fine," he caves in. A big grin makes its way on your face.

"But, that doesn't mean I'll forgive you. You broke my best mates heart," Harry says to you.

"I know I know," you roll your eyes at him.

"Follow me." He gestures you to the door.

"I already called a cab though," you explain to him.

"Good, because my cars not here."


As of now, you and Harry were sitting in a small café.

"So... are you going explain.. or," he trials off.

"Well, as you know... I uhm-," you shift uncomfortably in your seat," - Cheated on Niall. It was the biggest mistake of my entire life. I cannot believe I would even do such a thing, but when he was gone for months on end I just got lonely. I needed someone to fill that hole in my heart. Knowing that they were there for me."

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