Just Another Fan

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(ur zippers undone Ni! *snickers*)

You were just like all the other fan girls.

and boy band obsessed.

You knew you'd be nothing more. They want models, or famous people just like them. You were none of that.

You tweeted them everyday. In hopes they would follow you. One day you were sitting in your room on your laptop, when it dinged. You clicked on Twitter to see that everyone was congratulating you. You were so confused so you looked at people who had recently followed you.

There was his name. Niall Horan. He had followed you. After four years of trying to get a follow. He finally followed you.

Trying to keep your cool, you thank everyone for all the congratulations, and especially thanked Niall for the follow.
Days pasted and you still haven't DMed Niall. Usually when he follows other people they jump at the chance at DMing him, but you just couldn't think of the right thing to say. Finally you decided on something.

Niall, thank you so much for the follow. It really means everything to me. You are my sunshine. You light up my day, when I'm down. I couldn't thank you enough.

You sent that half, and tried to think of something else to say.

I know I'm just a fan and all, but I just wanted you to know that I love you. I alway will. Maybe one day I will be able to meet you. That would be the first best thing that's ever happen to me. Your follow being the second. Love you loads. - (Y/N) (pretend that's less than 140 characters.)

Within seconds he had replied.

Those six words changed your whole life.

You are not just a fan.

um, very short. It was eh. Comment what you thought of it! Maybe even vote! Thank you !(:

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