Red Carpet

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Niall invited you to go with him to the AMAs in LA. This would be the first award show/red carpet that you'd be attending with him. You were so happy. You went dress shopping with Sophia a couple of weeks before. She would also be attending with Liam.

You were currently in Lou's hotel room, so she could help you get ready. Niall would be coming in shortly so Lou could style his hair. You grabbed your dress from off the bed, and look it out of the plastic.

You slip it on, and Lou helps you zip it up. You look in the mirror and admire your beautiful dress. It was a black lace dress with lace sleeves as well, and it ended above your knees. You put on your red pumps to go along with your dress. (outfit at the top or the side.. depends.) Lou styled your hair in a curly, low side bun. She did your makeup naturally and you topped it off with red lipstick to match your pumps and clutch. Then you put on your diamond earrings Niall had bought you for your birthday.

"Wow," you heard someone breathe behind you. You spin around and see Niall smiling brightly. "Princess you look... gorgeous."

"Thanks Ni," you say while coming up to him, and giving him a hug. "I would kiss you, but you'd have lipstick on you," you giggle.

"But it's worth it," he says while kissing you. You pull away and smack his arm.
"Niall," you whine, "Now I have to put more on."

"(Y/N), you know you liked it," he smirks.

"Whatever. Go get your hair done," You shove him out of the way and step to the side so Lou could style his hair.


"Niall! (Y/N)! Over here!" All the photographers shout. You both smile for all of the cameras. Taking small steps. You squeeze Niall's hand, as they keep shouting for you guys to look.

"I love you so much (Y/N). Thank you for coming with me," He says,
while kissing you for all the cameras.

"I love you so much too, Ni," you mumble against his lips. You both pull away, and walk hand in hand towards the building.
After the award show you and Niall went to get ice cream to celebrate. He and the boys had won all of the awards they were nominated for. You couldn't be a happier girlfriend.

this sucked wowz

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