He, Him, His/ pt.1

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You were his, and he was yours.

Him; being Niall Horan.

You; being, well you.

He, was sweet, caring, and just irresistible.

Him, was genuinely the best person alive. (A/N: I know that made no sense, but pretend it did.)

His, amazing hair, amazing smile, amazing everything.

All of those things drew you to him more.


I'm not even sure where I was going with this, ahaha. I thought it up at 3am. I was so friggen tired and I just thought it was the most brilliant idea in the whole world.

Obviously it's not. But I'll make a part two. It's mainly just what you think of each other. So the next part will be in Niall's POV.

I hope you like it though. It seems that I always stress, because I'm never sure if you'll like the imagines I write. Honestly I'm not even sure why I started this, I'm a sucky writer. I'm also not sure how I've gotten so many reads, and votes. It's so surreal to me! Thank you all so much!


XOXO, Gossip Girl.

p.s. sorry that the authors note took up literally the whole imagine. I'm sorry.

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