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***NOT EDITED*** (Also, please check out important authors note at the end. thank you!)


You weren't up close... not at all. In fact, you were in the nose bleed section. You weren't angry, you were so grateful that you even were able to get tickets.

The concert had been going smoothly. Their voices were like angels... so angelic.

"How is everyone?" Niall yells. Everyone starts to cheer, you even found yourself cheering along with them. Yes you loved them to no end, but you really didn't like yelling and carrying on.

Everyone starts to cheer louder, and you hear, "That's @/littleirishniall !"

(A/N, pretend you have an Instagram, and Twitter with that user, and you're very popular throughout the fandom. So, you have LOADS of followers.)

You look at the big screen, and there you are, standing and staring at yourself.

"Wow," Niall breaths out, "she's beautiful."

Everyone starts to cheer again. Embarrassed, you cover your face with your hands. Niall quickly runs off stage.

"Where's he going?" You could hear the boys murmur.

Moments later, Niall bounds back on stage. "Sorry about that! Shall we continue?"

The crowd screams. They took that as an okay, and starts playing Girl Almighty.

Her light is as loud as as many ambulances
As it takes to save a savior (whoa whoa whoa)

"To, littleirishniall," Niall says into the microphone. Your mouth hangs wide open as the song continues.

She floats through the room on a big balloon
Some say, "She's such a fake"
That her love is made up
No, no no no

Let's have another toast to the girl almighty
Let's pray we stay young
Stay made of lightning

Am I the only,
Only believer?

There's something happening here

The only
Only believer

(There's something happening here,
I hope you feel what I'm feeling too)

I get down, I get down, I get down
On my knees for ya
I get down, I get down, I get down
On my knees
I get down on my knees for you

Her light is as loud as as many ambulances
As it takes to save a savior (whoa whoa whoa)

She floats through the room on a big balloon
Some say, "She's such a fake"
That her love is made up
No, no no no

Let's have another toast to the girl almighty

Let's pray we stay young
Stay made of lightning

Am I the only,
Only believer?

There's something happening here

The only
Only believer

(There's something happening here,
I hope you feel what I'm feeling too)

I get down, I get down, I get down
On my knees for ya

I get down, I get down, I get down
On my knees
I get down on my knees for you

Everyone cheers when it ends. When what ends? You may be asking. Well the concert, and the song of course! You grab your purse, and fight your way through the crowed.

"Hey!" you hear someone shout from behind you. You turn around and notice a bodyguard looking at you.

"Me?" You ask, while pointing at yourself. He shakes his head 'yes.' You walk over to him and he tell you that Niall wants to meet you backstage.

"Oh no, I simply can't. It's not fair to the others," you said, while gesturing to the people around you.

"But Miss, he requested that I go get you. And as my duty as a bodyguard I have to fulfill my request," he says.

"How about this," you start off," I'll go back there when everyone leaves. Then no one will know."

"But Miss, that could take ages," he says, while looking around at all the people still in their seats.

"Fine," you cave in,"but if people find out, and try to follow. I blame you."

"Yes Miss. All my fault," he nods his head, and leads you to Niall.

He knocks on the door.

"Who is it?" Someone says.

"It's Robert," the bodyguard replies. You could hear various locks being undone, and the door finally opens. Inside you see a lot more bodyguards, and other people scurrying about.

"Right this way," Robert says. You follow him, till you stop in front of a door that said 'One Direction's dressing room', on it.

He knocks again, and the door opens up.

"You're even more beautiful up close," Niall says, while looking at you. Your cheeks heat up.

"Someone's starstruck," Louis snorts. Liam smack him in the arm.

"Ow. what was that for?" Louis asks, while rubbing his arm. You burst into a fit of giggles. You quickly stop, realizing how stupid you may have looked.

"Sorry," you clear your throat. "Hi! I'm (Y/N)."

"Nice to meet you, (Y/N)." Niall smiles at you.


"And that's how mommy met daddy," you smile at your four year old son.

"Telling the story?" Niall asks, while wrapping his arms around your waist.

"I sure was," you smile up at him. He kissed your temple, and let's go of you.

"And how is my little boy doing today?" He grins and yours and his son.

"Good!" He grins up at this father. Niall picks him up, and pulls you into another hug.

"I love you both," He says, and kisses your sons forehead, and then leans over and pecks you on the lips.

"And I, love you both," you grin at both of them.

"I love mommy and daddy!"


This was terrible, I know. Hope you like it though. Do you guys even like my imagines? I feel like you all don't. :/

Please Vote&Comment! Thank you(:

I'm up for requested imagines again, if anyone is interested. just personal message me, or comment your name.

ALSO, just a little self promoting here, I'm going to be having a new book up called, 'Counting Days With The Bad Boy.' It's not a fanfiction. More teen fiction, but if you're interested in reading it just comment!


XOXO, Gossip Girl.

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