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Nialler ❤️: I miss you so much princess ! xx

You: I miss you too Ni.. Only a couple more weeks x

Nialler ❤️: I know babe xx How's Jax?

Jax was your dog whom Niall bought for you. So when he's away on tour you won't be lonely. You told him that you had the other girlfriends and your sister that's living with you and Niall while she finishes up her schooling. She's never here though.

You: He's doing good! He misses his dad tho :(

Nialler ❤️: I miss him too! Give him kisses for me! I love you, (y/n). See you in a couple of weeks babe xx

You: Love you too Ni xx

You sigh and set your phone back down on the night stand. Niall has been touring for six months. Jax is your main source of happiness at the moment. But you wouldn't dare tell Niall. He'd be worried to death and wouldn't want to preform.

You pat the bed beside you and Jax jumps up beside you. He whines, when he sniffs the side Niall sleeps on.

"I know I miss him too," You say, while petting his head.

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