Away On Tour Disaster/pt.1

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(Y/F/N) = your first name.
(Y/L/N) = your last name.


"Love you too."

Was the last thing you said after yours and Niall's three hour long phone call. He's been away for two months now. You really miss him. Knowing that he's coming home soon for a break makes you happy. So happy. You love him so much, and you don't know what you'd do without him.

*a couple of hours later*

You got on Twitter like you do every night. Just to see what people have
to say. One particular picture caught your eye. It was of Niall and a girl.... walking into the hotel. You know that wasn't you. Your vision started to get blurry as you looked down at the comments.

"(Y/N), isn't going to be very happy."

"Finally someone better than (Y/N)."

"What he heck is wrong with you @/NiallOfficial?"

"Are you serious?"

"Lolololol you go niall."

You slammed the lid of your laptop shut. How could Niall do this to you? You have been dating for 3 years. And he has the guts to cheat on you. Especially when he just told you he loved you a couple of hours before.

Angry, you open up the Twitter app on you phone and type up a new tweet.

"@(Y/F/N)(Y/L/N): You pathetic piece of crap. I trusted you."

You don't even bother to text him and ask him what the hell is wrong with him. If he calls or texts you'll just ignore him. He broke your heart.

You sob and sob and sob. He's such a pathetic jerk. How could he. You pull your hair and yell.

Your phone buzzes. You know it's Niall.

You decided to read it, but not respond. You pick your phone up to see that it wasn't Niall, but in fact Harry.

Harold ❤️: I'm so sorry babe. That was a dick move of him. Call me if you want to talk. H x

You don't even hesitate to hit the call button. It rings three times before he picks up.

"Hi, (Y/N)."

"H-Harry," You sob into the phone.

"Shh babe," He soothes.

"H-How c-could h-he. I l-loved him," you sob even more.

"I know you do, (Y/N). He loves you too. He was just drunk and being stupid. I know that's no excuse, but he really does love you."

"I-I... have to go," You say, and hang up before you could hear what Harry had to say next.

A notification pops up on your phone. It was a tweet Niall had tweeted.

"@/NiallOfficial: I'm so sorry." It read.

"I'm sure you are," You sarcastically say to yourself.

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