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"Babe?" You call out.

"In here," Niall yells from the kitchen.

You walk in and see an array of snacks lined out on the counter.

"What are all these for?" You ask him.

"We! Are going to have a Netflix extravaganza!" He exclaims.

You excuse yourself to go and change into more comfortable clothing. While Niall finishes up the rest of the food.

You come back and see that Niall has in fact took yours guys' mattress and put it on the floor, covered in loads of blankets and pillows. He has also managed to line the snacks on it as well. You sit down and cover up. Waiting for him to come in.

"So I was thinking we could watch Grease first, and then what ever you want to watch second," Niall says while walking into the living room.

"So glad you didn't pick us scary movie," You say.

"I know you don't like them, (Y/N), I would never make you watch one when you don't want to. I would though, just because you'd hide behind my shoulder and snuggle with me," He says while smiling.

"I'll still snuggle with you, Ni," You say while laying your head onto his shoulder.

"Love you," He says while kissing the top of your head.

"Love you too," You say while leaning up and kissing his cheek.

The rest of the night you and Niall watched movies, cuddled, and ate tons and tons of snacks.


Short but sweet.

Comment if you'd love to have a Netflix extravaganza with Niall.


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