Broken Promises

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You were all alone. He promised he would never leave you, yet he did. He shattered your heart and walked out. Leaving you to pick up your own broken pieces.

You had dated him for four years. Four amazing years. You trusted him with all your heart, and then he had the guts to go out and cheat on you.

"(Y/N), it's not what you think," He'd always say.

"It obviously was something, (Y/EX/BF/N)," you would say back.

At least your best friend Niall was there to comfort you. He always had been. One day you realized you had feelings for him. Which ruined everything because he had a girlfriend.

She was his world. His everything.

You wish you were his everything.

"(Y/N)?" His thick accent calls out.

"In here Ni," you yell from your bed room.

"There you are," he smiles at you. But it was fake. You could see the pain behind it.

"Are you ok, Ni," you ask.

"Yeah.. Why wouldn't I be?" he asks nervously.

"Where's Marilee?" You ask.

With the mention of her name, pain shoots across Nialls face.

"She.. She um. Is no longer with me. I caught her cheating on me," he says while tears slide down his cheeks.

"Aw c'mere Ni," you coo, and pat the bed beside you. He does what you say, and you hug him tightly.

"I will tell you exactly what you told me when (Y/EX/BF/N) broke up with me. She's not worth it. If she cared then she wouldn't have cheated on you. No matter if she had alcohol in her system, or not. One day you'll find a girl who will pick up these broken pieces and put them back together. You will love her and cherish her forever," you say while staring at him.

"(Y/N)?" He says while pulling away from your embrace, and staring at you.

"I want that girl to be you," He says while staring into your eyes.

"I've loved you for a thousand years, and I'll love you for a thousand more," He sings.

Inch by inch you guys get closer.

"I love you so much Niall," you mumble against his lips.

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