Sick Of It/ pt. 1

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****NOT EDITED****

"Niall, I'm back," you call to him, once you walk through the door. No answer.

"Niall?" You call out once more.

"(Y/N), where have you been? I've tried calling and texting you multiple of times, and I got no answers! I was worried something happened to you," he frowns, angry.

"Sorry. I-I... My phone was on silent, and-"


A scowl forms on Niall's face, while he stares at your phone in your hand.

"Silent? Oh really? Then please enlighten me why I just heard it go off," he demands.

You drop your head, and look at the floor.

"You were with him, weren't you?"

Your head snaps up, at his surprisingly calm tone. You look at his face. He was frowning.

"Niall I-I," you were lost of words.

"So it is true," he icily glares at you.

Your lips form into a thin line, before you tilt your head to look at the floor, again. Sighing through your nose, you finally form words, "I'm so sorry Niall."

"Am I not good enough for you?" He whispers.

"Yes! You are! I just made a stupid mistake. You're always gone, and I get lonely. I'm so sorry," you say, with tears trickling down your cheeks.

"Always gone?! I'm the one always gone?" He starts to shout," I've been home for the past four months, and you're still sneaking out to see him!"

"I'm sorry okay! If it makes you happy I'll stop hanging out with him, and delete his number," you say to him.

"If it makes me happy," He snorts," Is that your way of trying to make me feel better? I would feel way better if we weren't in this mess. (Y/N) you're cheating on me! By saying that you'll do all that is only your way of trying to make me happy. It's not going to make you happy, is it? You don't want to stop seeing him, do you? What does he have that I don't?!"

"He's nothing compared to you Niall. I love you, and you know that!" You sob.

"If you really loved me, then you wouldn't have cheated on me in the first place," he spats.

You hang your head in shame, for the third time.

"I'm sick of this. I can't take it anymore. I'm breaking up with you," Niall says harshly. Tears roll down your cheeks.

"No Niall, please," you plead him.

He shakes his head, "No (Y/N). We're through."

"Please Niall. Give me a second chance," You cry harder.

"Cheaters can't be winners," he says, while walking out the door.

And right at that moment, you had just lost your whole life.


Frick man I'm crying. Why did I write this?!!??!?? Ugh oH yeah, BECAUSE ITS 1:30AM AND I CANT SLEEP.

20K reads??!?? hshshsjsjsndkshshhsjsjxjdsnsjs Im so happy I can barley type . You all are seriously the best of the best best. Thank you all sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much!!!!!!






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XOXO, Gossip Girl.

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