1.Meeting old faces

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I woke up on grass. 'Huh? I don't remember falling asleep'. I got up and feel something on mz tatooed arm. "Hey atokirina how are you?" these are the woorsprits, they are rare to be found and even rarer to not be scared by presence of navis. "We haven't met in the past few days, where were you?" I asked her and smiled, when other one flew to me.

Then thes floated away but waited for me to follow them, so I started following them. "Do you want to tell me whera are we going?" I smirked when we were starting to slow down. "Are we here?" I pushed away some leaves, who were in my way Iand I opened my mouth. 

"So here that bitch died." I breathed out and looked at the atokirinas. "Why you wanted me to be here?" I furrowed my brows and they started floating away. "Hey!! Don't run from me!" I laughed and started following them, again.

I walked behind that big metal building and looked at them with not so amused eyes. "Is this all, you wanted to show me the back of this thing?" I said mockingly but quickly shut up, when I heard some noice. They were talking in English, my fathers mother language. I could hear them, but I didn't understand them, they were too far away.

They were looking for something and I wanted to know for what. "Avatars." I said when it hit me. They had this wierd clothes and weapons. Then I saw him, Quaritch, he was Spiders dad, but I didn't care about him. He wanted to kill my parents and my mum killed him. How Is him being alive possible?!

I quickly crouched and prayed mother Eywa for them to go away. I heard something in my walkie talkie on my neck. I had it muted but I heard Lo'ak's voice when i unmuted it. "We're at the old shack." and then dad started talking. "Who's we?" he asked. "Me, Spider, Kiri...  and.. Tuk." he said and I gasped.

"Son, you listnen to me very carefuly. You ppull back right now, don't make a sound. You hear me?" he started speaking very seriously. "Yes sir." Lo'ak said and I breathed out. 

I have to find them before Quaritch finds them. "Pa!" I said to that thing. "Yes Remini?" he was still serious. "I'm here as well, but I'm on the other side of that shack. I saw Quaritch, I don't know how he's not dead, but I saw his avatar with my eyes. He's back dad." I said little nervous, but still grabbed my bow and arrows. "If something happens, I'm here." I said and started climbing trees.

I heared scream. "Tuk!" I tought and started jumping faster rom tree to tree. I heared the avatars talking in English. "Put it down! Down before I shoot you!" they were screaming and I saw my siblings getting caught by them. 

"Who do we have here?" Quaritch asked and looked at his son. "Look, 5 fingers, 4 fingers, they half-breed." someone from his team said. "Shit." Spider cursed and I started getting impatious. "Show me your fingers." Quaritch asked Lo'ak and he gave him his middle fingers. "You're his, aren't you?" he smirked and Lo'ak hissed at him. "Yeah you're his." he grabbed him by his braid. "Where is he?" he asked him in english.

I jumped away from anoither tree to have better view. I started doing my call. I did it, and againg. I jumped to another tree and did it again. I saw my siblings looking for me, they're ready.

I saw mom across from me and I waved at her. She smiled and we looked at dad, who was oon the ground. I did another noice to tell them to get ready. Dad looked at me and he nod, me too and mum too.

She shot one of them who was holding Kiri and Spider. I shot one who was helding Tuk. They quickly ran away and me and mum were starting to jump from tree to tree. They were shooting, but I quickly shot them all, but not Quaritch.

He was hiding behind some rock and I had a pretty view on him. "Is this you Ms. Sully? I recognize your buissiness card." he joked and I snarled. "but there is someone with you, maybe you Jack? But you never were that type for bow and arrows so who is this mysterious one?" he was literally talking to himself.

"We have some unfinished buissiness." he smirked. "Demon! I'll kill you as many times as I have to!" she said pissed by him. "Or me, I never had a chance to kill you, I want to try it too!" I shouted from my spot and quickly jumped away. 

"You sound young, aren't we little miss Sully? You have pretty siblings, maybe I can kill you, so I can show them your head." he smirked. "I will wipe that smirk off of your face quickly." I said in lower tone and my eyes went darker. His smirk fell and I jumped on the ground taking one of his remaining team memmbers down by knife.

I ran to my dad and he smiled. "Hey Mini." that was his nickname for me, and I hated it. "Dad, you know I hate that nickname." I whispered and ran away. Some had  a clear shot on mum, but then Neteyam shot him. He's a dumbass, but he saved mum. Dad pulled him down, so he doesn't get shot.

I started shooting aling with mum. Dad started runing, and Neteyam was on his tail. So they are safe. I saw mum running too, but Quaritch shot a tree she was running on. "Ma!" I shouted, but she was okay and ran to safety. I was glad they were okay, but then I saw Spider being still with them. What is he doing? They catched him again?!

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