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"Now, what do we say?" dad asked and we all said: "Thank you." he smiled at us. "My son A'onung and my daughter T'sireya will show your children what to do." he pointed at girl, who was smiling at Lo'ak and at boy who was glaring at us all.

"Father, why do-?" he started complaining, but Tonowari cut him off. "This is decided."  he said in stern voice and walked away.

"Come, I will show you our village." T'sireya said happily and smiled at Lo'ak.
She helped to take Tuk's things and A'onung stayed behind with his friend.

We started walking through the village and Tuk was laughing at the sea creatures and bouncy pathway. I smiled at her and admired those creatures too.

"What are these called?" she asked me and I looked at one of those creatures. "We're ilu's we help to transport people, mainly children or women." it said and I did the 'I see you' sign to it.

"It said they're ilu's, you can maybe ride one but after you take a really big nap on normal mat and not on ikran." I laughed and she giggled. I looked at T'sireya and she was looking wierdly at A'onung.

"What, did I do something wrong?" I asked when my family was ahead. "You talked to ilu, I've never seen anyone talk to animals like that." she told me and run to the front to lead others.

"Maybe it's because you're a wierdo, or because of your skin colour." A'onung and his friend snorted. "Haha, funny, very funny. Fish face." I smirked and walked to others.

T'sireya showed us our new home. It was really big and I liked it, not like mum. When she saw it, she dropped her things in horor. I side hugged her and she tensed up. "It will be okay." I whispered.

My siblings started saying which corner is who's and I was laughing at them. My dad and mum took seperate room. Lo'ak was with Neteyam, Kiri with Tuk and I had the smallest room, but I had it all for myself.

I placed my sleeping mat and started unpacking my things from home. Put my weapons in one corner and clothes in other. I love ordering things up.

When I was unpacked I started brushing my hair and un-braiding it. It was braided for too long and I don't want to tend up like dad.


It was after eclipse when I was done. Everyone went to sleep, but I wasn't sleepy at all. My hair was really curly and I didn't like it that way. I went out of our mauri and washed my hair in the water.

I was in the water, when some animals started surrounding me. They were glowing, same as my tattoos. I was moving my hand from left to right and they were going after it. I smile at the little action and wanted to swim more.

I started swimming at the sea level, but then I took a breath and started diving. I looked all around this place. When it's glowing, it's beautiful.

I smiled at water creatures, who were surrounding me. I started signing to them. I learnt it from some other animals back at home. They taught me how to sign basic conversations. I was glad they did it, because now I can talk to animals under the water.

We were talking about Metkayna and people around here. They told me that A'onung's friends name is Roxto and they're like leaders/bullies. They've got their friend group and who is not like them is wierdo.

Some other creatures told me, that they have hearts of gold, they just want to be cool and that's why they do it. A'onung is next in line to be chief and he's proud of it. His dad is a really good leader and his mother is a good woman. She may seem bad and hostile, but it's just because she doesn't want any harm for her clan.

I found some water butterflies. They're looking like ones, but they help you breathe when you make a bond with them. It was useful for me, when I was diving lower and lower.

I was like at bottom of this thing, it wasn't literar bottom of the ocean, but it was bottom of this part of it. I was walking down there and then I heard something. I was looking up and saw it was light coming through the water.

It was morning, I was here all night!

I put the butterfly fish away, thanking it for helping me. Then I pushed my feet of the bottom and went up. I was smiling and then I finally breathed air.

"They're you are!" Lo'ak said. "Where were you?" Tuk asked me and I smiled. "I got bored when I finished my hair, so I went swimming, turns out I was under there all night." I pointed down and smirked.

T'sireya opened her mouth, amazed by that sentence I said. "You weren't breathing for hours?" she asked and A'onung's and Roxto's eyes winded. "That can't do our best divers." She explained to everyone and I smiled. "I'm special, aren't I?" I smirked at A'onung and he rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, you look like those sky people. You're tall, but your skin color and features are more their like than ours." Roxto said and now was my turn to roll my eyes. "Yeah, yeah whatever, I'm pretty and no one can change my mind." I smirked and then looked at Neteyam.

"What were you doing here?" I asked them

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