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I saw Tonowari going to our mauri. I got up and went after him. My dad walked out and they started talking. "What's wrong?" dad asked, already getting wet from the rain outside.

"Sky people." Tonowari said strongly and I frowned. "They're looking for you, Jake Sully." he said and pointed somewhere. "South."

"They've got human boy, who speaks na'vi, with them." he said and then looked away. "Did they kill anybody?" dad asked sadly. "Not yet." Tonowari said strongly.

"They threatened, but the villager won't tell where your are. By my order." Tonowari looked at dad.

He then walked away and I showed myself. "Pa." I said sadly and looked at him. "We must catch this demon. Trap him. Kill him!" mum said while cutting some food.

"We have to be smart." dad said and mum turned to him. "If we hit Quaritch, they're gonna know where we are and then they're gonna atack with everything they've got." dad said and I nodded. "That's true, Ma." I said sadly.

"Then what is our plan?" mum said pissed.


It was sunny again and I was sitting alone in the water. It was few weeks from the first attack. I hate Quaritch more and more. I remembered something and really fast called my ikran.

"We have to go on a ride." I said to him and we flown away to the sea. We were in the clouds, when I saw Quaritch's boat. They were there, on some island near Metkayna.

He was taking to some sky people scientists.
I felt something in me and I closed my eyes.

I saw Lo'ak from another person's eyes. He was finally making bond with Payakan. I smiled, then Payakan closed his mouth and someone I was looking trough looked at Neteyam.

U saw T'sireya's hand in front of my eyes and I smirked. Lo'ak now has to be sad, because he'd seen Payakan's past. He then swam to the surface and was talking to Payakan.

He hugged him and then my vision ended. He'll be grounded as fuck if dad finds out.

I opened my eyes and sniffeed. Payakan is my brother's brother so he's my real bro right now.

I felt saddnes and hatered. Then something more. I think I felt Lo'ak' emotions right now. It's so sad, someone must tell Tonowari. When I find out who, I'm gonna kill them.


I flew back to Metkayna and sighed. I walked to Ronal and we started talking. We were closer and closer with her and I was enjoying company of tsahik. "I'm bonded with Tutee." I said and Tonowari with Ronal looked me wierdly.

"Say it again child. I'm bonded with Eywa and I'm bonded with Tutee. I don't feel shame of it, because I know those tulkun siblings are innocent. She showed me what happened. How all sky people killed their family. How they killed na'vi's. I mourned with her, I held her." I looked down.

"And then other tulkun's threw them out. They were so devastated. They only had each other. They lost their whole families and then their friends betrayed them. How would you feel if that happened to you, hmm?" I looked at Tonowari with teary eyes.

"Only Eywa can show you it. I can pray for her to show it, but I'm not sure if she would do it." I said and then left them speechless.


The only place I was forbidden going to was the tree of souls. Dad told me, that Norm thinks it's not good for me or Kiri to go there.

So that's why I'm swimming here. Do you think I would listen to Norm? Like I'm smarter than him and Eywa wouldn't kill me. Just because I should be protecting Kiri, like Grace asked her.

Or maybe it's because I am Eywa, and she can't kill herself. That's taking me to the question. Can I die? How can I die? I swam to the tree is souls and made tsaheylu and closed my eyes.

I didn't see Grace, I didn't see anyone. "Hello?" I looked around. Then in the middle of nothing I saw a rainbow light. "Eywa? Is that you?" I asked and went closer to the light.

I saw mirror. "Why is the mirror here?" I looked in it and saw me in human form. I was like my dad was before Pandora. I looked at myself and smiled.

Then the picture blurree and I saw me in all na'vi form. I was all blue with four fingers and green eyes. "Why are you showing me this, Eywa?" I asked her, and then I heard the prettiest voice, I've ever heard in my life.

"That's you. The person was you too. You're half na'vi and half human, you're special. Grace prayed for you in her last minutes of her life. I made you and I gave you a piece of my soul. You're me, the bridge between Pandora and Earth. You can change everyone and everything." she said.

"What do you mean?" I asked her and looked in the mirror. I saw my true self.

"You have a really mighty power. Kiri hears my heartbeat, but you feel my heartbeat. My heart is inside your chest. You can shift, but not like avatars, you don't need any of their technology. Everything you think of, you'll get." she said and her voice started getting quieter and quieter.

I opened my eyes and smiled really widely. I and the chosen one.

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