13. Boiling Point (pt. 2)

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"Ready to go?" the taller lad asked, taking the younger's hand.

"What's in the bag?" Harry tried rounding Louis to see the content of the large back pack hanging from Louis' shoulder.

"You'll see."

The older lad picked Harry up off his feet halfway to their destination. Harry was told to wear a blindfold, which he responded to with the word 'kinky'.

Upon arriving at the secluded field, Louis set his boyfriend down on the floor and began setting up. Harry was sat clueless and unable to use his visual senses. Louis was busy spreading out a large quilt and a few pillows when he remembered the flowers. He tossed crumpled roses aimlessly around the quilt.

How the fuck do I make this look romantic? Louis thought to himself as a rush of nervousness ran through his chest and down to his stomach. He had no idea what Harry liked bedroom wise and the thought aggravated him.

"Can I look yet?" Harry faux whined.

"Yes. Wai- actually no, no, no! Hold on!" Louis panicked, retrieving a comb from the bag. He quickly ran the piece of plastic through his feathery hair, giving his shirt the last touch up by patting it down with his hand.

"Okay," Louis sighed, pushing away any last nerves, "Now".

Harry swiftly removed the cover from his eyes and gazed around in shock. Louis' hands began to sweat as he watched his boyfriend's reaction.

Harry's throat went dry and he opened his mouth with nothing to say. A million scenarios flashed through his mind and he had no idea what to think. He felt a rush of heat fill his cheeks as he realizes what it all means.

Louis stares at Harry fearfully as dozens of emotions flash through his eyes. The younger boy smiled widely at his own realization. Harry sprung up and ran into Louis' arms, giggling.

"I love you, so much," Harry gave Louis' shoulder a big smooch then pulling Louis down for a kiss. "I can't-" kiss. "Believe-" kiss. "You did-" kiss, kiss, kiss. "All this," Harry grinned broadly. Louis blushed, he was over the moon with the fact that Harry was enjoying it all.

"I love you, Haz. I get that we're young and crazy but I don't care. I love you, and I wanted to make this night the best night you've ever had, if you'll let me." Louis paused. "If you're ready."

The younger nodded eagerly, "I am, Louis."

Louis smiled lovingly at his boyfriend and sat down on the bed of quilts and brought out a bag of jumbo gummy bears. Harry perked up immediately and jumped on top of Louis who gave out a playful grunt.

"Oomph, babe, slow down there." the elder laughed. Harry proceeded to munching on the content of the bag of his favorite treats. Louis felt such admiration for the boy who ate with such glee.

Once the curly haired lad was finished eating, without leaving a speck for Louis to nibble on, the pair began a game of i spy.

Harry pondered for a bit before choosing a target. "Oh! I spy with my little green eyes, something natural."

"The muscles beneath my button up?" Louis winked.

"Lou that's the third time." Harry groaned. He'd been thinking of one of the trees that surrounded them.

"Never mind, you're turn." Harry shrugged, figuring Louis would never get it.

"I spy with my shiny blue eyes, something soft and irresistible." Louis bit his lip, waiting for his boyfriend's guess.

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