7. Heart Attack

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IMPORTANT : It was brought to my attention that this chapter that I'd posted over a week ago has gone unseen by half my readers because it contains smut and wattpad made it private meaning only followers may read it. That explains why it only had 22 reads. If you're reading this then that means I fixed it, sorry about the delay. -weirdo x


When my dad found out about Harry being gay, he flipped. That should have been my first warning. When he began shouting, calling Louis a no good faggot I should have seen it by then. When he told me to stay away from any queers in town, you'd think I'd get the message loud and clear. Although none of that stopped me from killing my dad.

No. I did not murder him out of some anger towards homophobes. It was harmless, I had this day planned for months. Getting beat up by Louis only sped up the process. Long story short, I told my dad I was gay. It killed him. I killed my fucking dad. He had a heart attack and was sent to the emergency room. He didn't even make it one night before his heart stopped beating. Before he was gone, I managed to talk to him. He told me that I was dead to him. I killed my dad, he died hating my filthy guts.

My mom hasn't spoken to me much since last night - the night of his death. The worst day of my life. The day I lost my best friend, father and about seven ounces of blood.

"Ni, honey come down here you have visitors." My mom's voice cracked. I trudged down the stairs and was met with a pair of blue eyes accompanied by a pair of green ones.

"Harry, thank God you're here! M-my dad died." I sobbed running over to hug him but Louis shoved me against the wall.

"Fuck off." Louis spat.

"Harry I really need to talk to you." I croaked.

"You're dad died because he found out your a fag. The worst part is, you're alone. You don't have anyone told hold you at night. Have fun living in silence for six years, bitch." Harry snarled before tackling Louis into a heated kiss.

Then I woke up.

I launched out of my twin sized bed, reading the clock.

6:34 pm. After I'd gone home from school earlier that day, my mom made me a bowl of soup. The nurse had cleaned up most of the blood. Surprisingly no ribs were broken, only major damage was a few crooked teeth and a bloody nose. Nothing braces and a few tissues can't cure. I knew I'd have to apologize to Harry. Especially after that dream, I'm such a terrible person. I'm his best friend. Who the hell holds a dead mom and a suicidal time against their best friend?

Luckily for me, Harry had been calling non stop since five o'clock according to my phone. I built up enough courage and threw away enough pride to find myself jogging to Harry's house which was only a ten minute walk away from my own.

I rang the doorbell once in front of the door, soon after Harry's step dad Zayn opened the door.

"Niall I'm so glad you're here. Harry's a mess." Zayn looked stressed, he had bags under his eyes and he honestly looked ready to collapse.

"What's wrong with Harry?" I asked.

"He's been worrying about you." Zayn said.

"You better go off to bed, you look out of it." I waved Zayn off to his room.

"Harry?" I knocked on his bedroom door.

The other side of the door was silent but I heard footsteps run towards me. The door swung open revealing a crying Harry. The sight made me tear up. Harry said nothing but pulled me into his room and wrapped his arms around me tightly. I wasn't much taller than him but he rested his head on my shoulder. Once we broke apart he got into his bed and pulled me in with him. We were laying side by side, his arm around my shoulders as we stared up at his ceiling.

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