6. Stand Up

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AS PROMISED: As soon as you guys helped me reach my goal, I updated. Thanks, it only took four hours! So happy. ENJOY -weirdox


I ran as fast as I could. I ran past the few teachers that shouted for me to slow down. I ran past the school parking lot. I ran through the serial neighborhood I could hardly recognize. I ran to the front gate of the place I'd called home the night before. I ran along the bare trail to the hay field. I ran until my lungs and legs couldn't handle any more of it. I plopped myself onto the soft patch of grass and hay that Louis and I had slept on. I honestly felt so broken and all I could do was wait. Wait for everyone to notice I'm gone, wait and cry. I knew I wouldn't have to wait too long before Louis notices, he'll come find me. I won't even need Niall to be there for me, I have Louis and he's going to be with me forever.

I pulled out my phone and stared down at the text messages between Niall and I. It only made me tears flow faster. I then stared at his contact and looked at the picture he'd been under. It was one we'd taken at the beach when Zayn took us last summer. I smiled at it but soon remembered all the cruel things he'd said. He knew how bad my mother's death can hurt me whenever mentioned. It pained me to remember that he'd mentioned my year of depression and suicidal thoughts. That was private, something only he knew about and he went shouting it at school. Fed up, I deleted his contact. Although, it was no use. His phone number was memorized in my head. It made me realize that no matter what, the memories we had will always be there.



I hadn't been able to pick Harry up from any of his classes since the hallways were absolutely hectic and I couldn't seem to find him anywhere. Soon enough I decided I'd just wait until lunch to meet up with him. I also hadn't seen Liam. He told me that Niall would be walking him to classes, it was only safe to assume that Harry was with them since he hadn't texted me once all morning.

At lunch I waited at the table we'd sat at the day before only to see that it was empty. I was confused as to why Harry wasn't there waiting but I soon found Niall and Liam sitting a few tables down. I approached them, Niall must know where Harry might be.

"Niall, have you seen Haz?" I asked placing a hand on my brother's shoulder. "Hey, Li. You having a good meal?" Liam nodded.

"Get the fuck out of my face." Niall growled. Anger built up inside of me almost instantly. Calm down, Louis. I tried telling myself.

"Look buddy, I'm just looking for my boyfriend." I chuckled awkwardly, trying my best not to lose my temper.

"Don't call me your buddy, fuckface." Niall glared at me. I found myself picking him up from his seat and throwing him to the floor. Niall groaned causing Liam to whimper.

"Louis have you taken your meds?" Liam asked frantically.

"Not now, Liam!" I yelled before jumping on top of Niall.

"Get the fuck off of me, asshole!" Niall shouted in my face only causing me to punch him.

"What the fuck did you call me?"

"You're a fucking piece of shit, you deserve that dumb little prick you call your boyfriend." Niall literally spat then began throwing punches at me, he managed to hit me in the nose. He managed to throw enough pressure into it to cause my nose to start bleeding. I got off of him but as he was begging to stand up, I kicked him to the floor.

"What did you fucking say about my boyfriend?" I screamed, kicking him relentlessly. I watched as blood began dripping from his nose and mouth. A few students had crowded around us and they all watched as Niall cried in pain. I continued kicking him before noticing Liam standing up and using his stick to locate Niall's body.

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