22. Back Home to You

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[A lot of over-excessive detailing bc I think I'm dramatic] 

Niall and Liam were, to say the least, very, very happy. Niall couldn't be caught dead in the hall without the brunette warm against his side. Harry wandered around at lunch, in hopes to avoid the inseparable pair. Louis was allegedly present but Harry had yet to see him at all. 

He wasn't the only one with trained determination, though. Across the courtyard, Louis was in search of the curly-haired beauty with a dimpled smile. Harry was only humming to himself, walking along the scattered leaves near his feet when he spotted Louis. He felt his breathe catch. Louis' hair was a mess, uncombed and sporting hints of grease. His eyes, tired. A faint shadow of hair threatening to grow on his chin. Harry stared at him in awe. He'd been away from the older boy so long, even in his current state, the younger was in love. 

Louis shouldered past students carrying lunch trays, eyes shooting from face-to-face. He gets the feeling of eyes watching his every move and gulps. Achingly slow, Harry watches Louis' eyes finally glance in his direction. Harry stands up straight, praying Louis will catch his gaze. 

The world seems to stop. The sounds of students conversing around the campus, muted. The color in the rest of his line of vision, blackened. All there was, was green. Beautiful green. The eyes he'd grown so familiar with. Neither of them made a move, a good twenty feet apart and they couldn't even close the distance.

Sweaty hands, twitchy feet, glossy eyes, they stood. Finally, Louis took a step forward. Then two. Then he was almost jogging, shoving passed anyone in his way. Harry following his lead. Their feet surging forward, drawing them closer like two compatible magnets.  

Once close enough, Harry reached out, Louis doing the same. Harry yanked Louis forward by his sleeve, their bodies crashing into each other. Hands painfully gripping backs, eyes shut with tears, tightened arms, choked laughs, faces pressed into skin. It was a hug that meant so much more. They would never let go. Not again.  

"I-" Louis sighed. Harry pulled his head back slightly, wanting to look Louis in the eyes. Red, wet eyes. "Haz. I- my God." The bell rang. 

"I missed you so much," Harry stuffed his face into the older's chest.

"I'm sorry," Louis looked down. "I don't want to be apart. I just want you."

Harry inhaled. Louis smelled just like he remembered, he lived for it. "I'm sorry I tried to leave." Harry said, bringing up memories of his breakdown. 

"I couldn't let you. I-I was watching you all those days." Louis mumbled. The two were shocked by a teacher yelling at them to get to class. Louis rolled his eyes. 

"Meet me on the lacrosse field after school." Harry nodded, giving his hand a squeeze. The day could only get better.


Walking along the bleachers only minutes after the last bell, brought back a series of memories to Harry. He toed at a stick on the cold metal thinking of his life and how much it'd changed since he met Louis. He was interrupted by the beautiful boy himself.  Louis jumped onto the bleachers, uniform and all, smiling at him.

Harry grinned, he'd never get tired of such a face. Louis pulled the younger close and it was enough warning for Harry to get the idea. Standing on his toes, Harry's lips met Louis'. Louis couldn't muster up the willpower to stop smiling so the kiss was cut short. Harry's hands rested on Louis' pink cheeks and Louis' on the younger's waist. They were truly a sight for sore eyes. 

"Love you," Harry mumbled against his lips, noses brushing.

"Love you, more."  Louis laughed a little. Harry shaking his head, arguing impossibility. Louis gave the boy one last peck before hopping off the railing, jogging to the field.  Harry was warm all over. 

Minutes into the practice, Harry frowned down at the hoard of boys running across the pitch. He'd wanted so much to be apart of the team. He'd missed tryouts but his night was arguably much more memorable. Recalling the events of his night with Louis brought a smile to his face. Their time under the stars when they had lied so close, felt each other everywhere. He had no regrets left.  

Practice wasn't over fast enough for Louis. He wanted nothing more than to walk Harry home and catch up on every moment they'd missed. He missed Harry's laugh and his clumsiness. He could sit and watch Harry play chess for hours and feel fully entertained. That's what he wanted to spend time on, not running across a field with sweaty miscreants. Seconds after the whistle was blown, Louis was halfway down the field, heading to the locker room when he spotted Greg. 

Fucking Greg. He was sweaty, smiling, chatting up a mousy brunette from the cross country team. Louis stomped over with balled up fists. Greg laughed at something the girl said, hands against the railing of the bleachers. Louis spat in their direction, earning an annoyed glance from Greg. 

"What do you want, Tommo?" Greg rolled his eyes, smirking back at the girl.

"I heard what you did to my brother, you git." Louis snapped. 

"I'm a bit busy, piss off." Greg shrugged off. Louis shoved him, sparing a glance at the girl who ran back onto the track with her team. 

"You, dick, she was hot." Greg whined. Louis was appalled. Was this guy insane?

"You tried to rape my brother, you piece of shit. I should fucking end you." Louis shoved him again. Greg grit his teeth, shoving him back. 

"He can't see. It never even happened. You're delusional." Greg shook his head. Louis hated liars. "Lying through your teeth, wanker." Greg smirked this time.

"He was moaning for it." Louis' hand collided with Greg's jaw, watching as he fell to the floor.

"Hey fags, save it for the bedroom, will you!" A voice a few feet away laughed. Ed. Louis' head was throbbing, eyes narrowed. He could see Harry running over. He wouldn't get to them fast enough, Louis was certain. 

Louis followed the boys into the locker room. Ed and his friends laughing like kings. 

"Hey, Ed!" Louis spat. Ed turned around, only to be thrown into the nearest locker.

"What's your problem, Tomlinson?" Ed yelled, straitening his jersey. Louis was ready to punch him when a pair of hands wrapped around his bicep. He lowered his head, knowing who had grabbed him. 

"Let's go home, Lou." Harry pleaded. "Just ignore them."  

Louis nodded, looking back at the green eyes. "Okay, let's go home."

Weirdox:  2 chapters left! It feels so good to complete another story. I finished Saving Niall in 8 months. This story took me two and a half years. So yeah, two completed stories. Can't wait. 18 more to go.. *nervous laugh* ok no I'm lame, bye. 

Feedback? Anyone been here since the beginning? Anyone sad to see it go? Anyone happy to finally get an ending?

Published: 11/06/16 @11:34AM 

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