19. Promises

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TRIGGER WARNING: cancer, death, loss


There was no way for Zayn to know his future when he stared into Annabelle's eyes for the first time. He was twenty five and passionate, all he saw was a beautiful girl with green eyes and hazel curls. He was a college graduate, mastered in English. A writer. She was an angel, never stopped thinking about how to help others. She stood at 5'3 and hadn't ever weighed less than a hundred and thirty eight pounds but he was instantly in love. He knew that much, he knew she was beautiful and he knew he wanted to be with her forever.

There was no way for Zayn to know Annabelle had a son when he kissed her for the first time on their second date. She was wearing a blue dress that fell bellow her knees, she wore no make-up -- a true beauty. Her smile lit up like the stars above her head when Zayn made the move. Her smile, so kind, gentle. His favorite thing about her. She was the kindest women he'd ever met and he loved her. Two weeks in and he loved her.

"There's something I need to tell you," she looked nervous and his heart was pounding.

"I have something to tell you too," he grinned.

"You first," she gulped, Zayn's eyes lit up but he shook his head.

"N-no, you first." You'll always go first, he thought. She nodded.

"Okay," Annabelle took a shallow breath, "I have a son."

"I love you," Zayn took her breathe away, in that moment, she loved him too.


Zayn had no way of knowing his girlfriend had been diagnosed with cancer when he proposed. Zayn hadn't even known her two years and he was ready. He loved Annabelle and Harry. Harry, a bubbly three year old boy with giggle fits that melted even the coldest of hearts. He had only known the boy a year and he knew he could help raise him. His Annabelle knew so too, though she ached as she agreed to marry him. Annabelle dreaded the thought of letting Zayn struggle with her through her newly diagnosis. She smiled, anyway.


Years of an aching battle with cancer and there was finally a victor. The news tore Zayn limb from limb. His heart was broken and all he saw was pain, all he felt was death. Cancer had one. Zayn stopped writing, unable to do anything but sit by his wife's side at all hours of the day she spent in the hospital. Harry was silent, scared to death of a voice that reminded him of his mother. His dying mother. The same mother he'd sing to when she was hunched over a bin unable vomiting for hours, unable to leave bed. He could hardly bear to look at his mother in her last days. He dreaded the look on her face when she tried speaking to him, her weak voice, achingly weak and she used so much energy to speak and he couldn't even reply. He didn't see her die. In her last days, while Zayn lived in the hospital, Harry lived with Niall.

"Love, promise me something?" Annabelle smiled weakly at Zayn's worn face. Bags under his eyes and strands of gray in his hair. She wasn't the only one fighting and they both knew that.

"Anything, tell me," Zayn rushed, he was always on edge in those days. Always afraid he'd lose time. Time with the love of his life. Four years of cancer had torn her apart but she was still a sight for sore eyes. Hazel curls, long gone and green eyes diminished to a pale grey but she was beautiful.

"Take care of my Harry, take care of my son," she was unable to cry but if she had the energy, the power, she'd be sobbing. Zayn nodded vigorously, his own tears still able to fall mercilessly.

"I will, Annie, I will. Our boy, my son, he's my son," Zayn cried, and Annabelle loved him more than she ever had. He thought back to the boy who was so young and already his mother was being taken from him. He loved Harry, his Harry.

"Don't ever let him hurt," she was barely able to shake her head, "Let him find happiness, always. He's so bright, Zayn. He needs all the love, give him love for the two of us, darling." Zayn nodded.

"I love him, I'll never let him go," Zayn's heart ached at his own honest words.

"Don't let him walk the world alone, he needs to know you're there."

Zayn had no way of knowing those would be her last words.

This chapter is very relevant for the beginning of the climaxes end. Which will be in the next chapter. This story is coming to an end in less than 6 chapters. I'll write up to 25 chapters so bear with me for a little while longer. I swear I've been writing this for the past week. I'm sorry it took so long. Today was my first day of school BTW. This was the first time I've cried while writing in years so I hope you liked it. Now you know the story of Zayn and Harry's mom's relationship. Leave feedback! - WEIRDOX

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