12. Boiling Point (pt. 1)

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Be sure to keep an eye out for part 2. Should be done in less than a hour.

The two boys' ended their night together when Louis walked Harry home, following Zayn's orders. Harry had been moaning on and on about how he was fed up with such a strict curfew. Louis was amused but felt as if Harry was beginning to inherit his rebellious attitude.

"I don't want to go inside, boo." Harry pouted, standing on Louis' feet in order to nearly reach eye level.

"You have to, baby." Louis smiled faintly, running his fingers through Harry's short hair. "Have you ever thought of growing your hair out? It'd be sexy to see those curls of yours."

Harry blushed, he'd never grown his hair out before. Zayn thought it seemed clean cut the way it was, never finding a reason to let it grow out.

"Maybe I will." Harry giggled, pouting when Louis didn't give him a kiss.

"You're so perfect." Louis said in disbelief.

"I love you." Harry said, grinning up at his boyfriend.

"I love you, too." Said the blue eyed boy as he leaned down to kiss the beautiful boy in his arms. The kiss was cut short when the porch lights went on causing both boys to let out a sigh.

"Someone's coming, you should go. Night, boo." Harry said, squeezing Louis' hand one last time before climbing off of his feet.

"Night, Haz." Louis waved before fading into the dark streets.

Harry was met with an upset face, staring sternly back at him from behind the doorstep. He gulped before sauntering into the house with his head hung low.

"Harold, where the hell have you been?" Zayn asked in a hushed tone. Harry frowned, wondering why he wasn't being yelled at.

"I was out at Louis' house. Then Niall and I walked home." Harry said, leaving out the part where he and Louis went to their secluded safe place.

"Niall was with you?" Zayn's face softened. He'd always been so fond of Niall. When discovering his son's sexuality, he had hoped that Harry would find interest in a nice lad such as Niall. Someone that he could trust with his son's purity.

"Y-yeah." Harry muttered only half truthfully. Zayn sighed, leading Harry to the dining room where he could smell their dinner.

"I've got someone that I'd like you to meet." Zayn sais pulling out a chair for his confused son. Harry looks across the table at a smiling blonde.

"Uh, hello." Harry frowned, unsure as to why there was a woman sitting across from him. The blonde woman smiled sweetly at him, Harry only attempting to return the favor. He hoped this wasn't what he thought it was.

"Harry, this is Perrie." Zayn says taking a seat at the table.

"Hello Harry, I brought you a gift." Perrie says pulling a small book out of her bag. "Your father told me how much you enjoy romance novels. This is one of my favorites from the publishing company."

Perrie hands Harry a copy of "If I Stay" by Gayle Forman, Harry didn't even suppress the urge to make an unappreciative face.

"I already own this," Harry said as he threw the book back onto the table.

"Harold, don't be so rude. Say thank you," Harry's father scolded his son's inappropriate attitude. Harry rolled his eyes, texting Louis with his phone hidden under the table.

'To: Boo

Dad has a woman called Perrie over. She wrks @ some posh publishing company . . Wtf is she here?'

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