4. Midnight Memories

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Dedicated to @BookzByMari for being my 100th follower.

"I'm so glad you're talking again, Harry." Zayn shouted with excitement. "You're voice is so deep, awe you're all grown up. I-I wish you're mother was here to see you."

I was quiet for a few moments. I miss my mom so much, she's the reason I didn't speak for six years.

"Yeah, me too." I replied.

"She would've been so proud." Zayn mumbled, a few minutes of silence followed.

"So, we should celebrate." Zayn said breaking the silent streak.

I blushed slightly, I hadn't expected him to react this way. Hell, I thought I'd never speak again. It kind of just happened.

"What did Niall do when you spoke to him?" Zayn asked.

"Actually he doesn't know yet." I confessed shamefully, he's my best friend and I still haven't said one word to him in six years.

"Who'd you speak to then?" Zayn raised an eyebrow. I small smile crept it's way on my face at the thought of Louis. I tell my dad everything, why should this be any different.

"Louis." I grinned.


"Yeah, I like him." I giggled.

"You like him? Harry who is this boy?"

"He's amazing, dad. I met him on Friday. He likes me too and he's so.nice. He asks me about my day and he holds my books and he brings me snacks."

"He sounds great, Harry. I can't wait to meet him. I'm just glad you're happy." Zayn smiled.

"Can we just have dinner here? I think I should call Niall and tell him." With a nod of approval from my step dad, I was in my room and dialing the number I knew by memory.

"Hello?" Niall asked hesitantly. I don't blame him, what would a mute boy be doing calling someone.

"Niall." I smiled.

"Who's this? Why have you got Harry's phone? Holy shit, did you kidnap him? Is this Louis? I'll fucking find you, you creep." I was shocked but kept well in mind that he hasn't heard my voice in over six years and my voice has long since developed.

"Niall, it's me." I chuckled.

"Wh- Harry?" Niall exclaimed.

"Yours truly." I giggled.

"What the actual fuck, Harry." Niall groaned. "You're voice is so fucking deep I nearly came in my pants."

"Came, what's came?" I asked slightly confused, did he poop himself?

"It means I nearly orgasm-ed." Niall explained.

"Isn't that a sex thing? Niall, that's disgusting." I said bluntly.

"Tuck it, Styles. When did you start speaking again? This is amazing!"

"That's actually what I wanted to talk about. Oh Niall, it was wonderful."

"What was?" Niall asked.

"The kiss." I smiled.

"Are you watching another one of your romance movies? Please tell me you're watching a movie."

"No, my first kiss. Louis, he-"

"You two kissed?" Niall sputtered, I could hear heavy breathing followed by some muffled noise and grew worried.

"Y-yeah, Niall what's wrong?" I asked.

"Goodbye, Haz. Love you, I gotta g-go." Niall said before he hung up. I was speechless. I tried calling him back but there was no answer. Soon I gave up and joined Zayn for dinner.


At around eleven, I was woken by my phone buzzing like crazy. I rubbed my eyes for a few moments before checking my phone, Louis was calling me. I answered right away.

"Lou?" I said into the phone.

"Come to the bus stop." Was all he said, then the line went dead.

I was confused and slightly anxious. Was he serious? He couldn't possibly expect me to walk three blocks to the bus stop at eleven p.m without telling my dad. It took me exactly two minutes and twenty four seconds to decide that I'd meet him there. I now that if this were a movie, I'd sprint there and we'd see each other in the distance, then we'd run to each other in slow motion. Soon after, he reach me and pull me in for a long passionate kiss, with tongue. (A.N: Please keep in mind that Harry is only thirteen and will tend to say dorky, childish things) I hurried out of bed and put a hoodie over my shirtless torso. I was now dressed in a gray sweater and blue plaid pajama bottoms. Good enough, I thought to myself before tugging on my worn out TOMS. I crept down the stairs, putting my phone in my hoodie pocket.

I successfully made it out of the house without being noticed. Once I was out I kept a fast pace as I walked to the bus stop, who knows how long Louis had been waiting for me.

Soon enough, I found myself approaching a head of brown hair. "Louis?" I called.

He stood from the bench he'd been laying on. "Haz, you came!" He walked up to me and wrapped his arms around me tightly.

"Let's go." Louis said grabbing my hand.

"Where are we going?" I asked him.

"It's a surprise." He smiled and I hesitantly returned the favor.

"Don't you trust me?" He asked and I nodded frantically.

With that, we were off. He lead me across many streets I'd never even heard of, it was almost as if we'd been walking for half an hour before he finally stopped in front of a rusty old gate.

"Where are we?" I asked, behind the gate was a forrest like area. There were endless amount of trees but there was a pathway leading to an empty hay field.

"C'mon." Was all he said.

I let Louis pull me through the long line of trees until we got to the hay field. He then looked at me with a grin before running deeper into the field and laughing like a child. It was probably the cutest thing I'd ever seen. He turned back to look at me and I ran towards him, tackling his larger figure to the ground. He smiled up at me and I built enough courage to lean down and plant a kiss on his lips. I eventually climbed off of him and rested myself in his arms as we stared up at the midnight sky.


"Hmm?" I hummed.

"Will you be my boyfriend?" I grinned like an idiot, I thought he'd never ask.

"There's no doubt in the world that I want to be your boyfriend." I confessed.

It grew silent once again but I was fine with that. I loved this, it was actually quite romantic that we were out here together at midnight. The hour when the stars shine their brightest.

"Boo?" I called.

"Boo?" He chuckled.

"Yeah, you're my boo." I giggled.

He rolled himself on top of me and I couldn't hide my excited smile. He leaned down and I closed my eyes expecting a kiss. I got one, although it wasn't on my lips. I opened my eyes as I felt Louis sucking on my neck. I'd never experienced any of this but it sure did feel as good as it looked on the television.

"Louis, th-that feels really good." I gasped. Louis giggled, pulling away.

"This is our spot from now on, okay." Louis said gesturing to the scenery around us.

"It's our home." I smiled before intertwining both of my hands with his.

Louis nodded blissfully and we shared another kiss. This was a night I'd never forget. I'll look back at it and think about what a great memory it is. Louis returned to his spot next to me and I was wrapped in his arms as we watched each other drift off to sleep.

Cute Larry fluff, too bad there's trouble up ahead. Till next time ;)

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Published: July 24, 2014

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