10. Mothers & Brothers

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"Liam I can't do this anymore. He's going to break up with me." I cried sinking to the floor by Liam's feet. Liam eased his way onto the floor next to my body, rubbing my back.

"Nonsense, Lou. He loves you, he won't break up with you for making some mistake. You need to calm down. Take your medication. "  Liam sighed, I nodded listening to him. I got up off the floor, taking his hand.

"Come with me." I said, wiping a few stray tears from my face. 

After taking my medication, Liam suggested we play a film in my room.

I let him get comfortable on my bed while I started the movie. He'd chosen to watch Spider-Man and I was more than willing to allow it. 

"Lay with me, Lou." Liam smiled. I climbed into my bed with him, as he cuddled into my side. Liam has always been the clingy type when I start having mood swings. I guess he figured it would help me calm down. He's right. I rubbed his back, turning the volume on high so he could hear the movie better.

Midway through the movie, I remembered what has taken place an hour ago. I felt tears begin to burn at my eyes. I tried my best not to alarm ny younger brother but the tears kept coming.

"Louis," Liam piped up.  "Are you crying?"

"A little." I muttered but my voice cracked.

"He isn't going to dump you." Liam sighed.

"No, Liam. I'm crying because of what I did to him. I couldn't even stop myself.  He was crying and all I could do was get angrier. I'm so lucky you were there to calm me down or I don't know what I would have done to him. To the both of them."

Liam sighed, resting his head against my shoulder.  Liam's the only person who manages to calm me down so easily.

"You need to start taking your medication seriously, Lou."

"I know, I know." I let out a ragged sigh before a knock on the door startled us both.

Soon after my mother came walking through the for door with make up plastered on her face to cover up any signs of stress and lack of sleep.  She gave the two of us a weak smile before examining the room.

"My boys! Look at this mess, Lou you should clean up a bit." She plopped herself on top the bed next to our feet.

"Mum!" Liam sat up reaching out for her to give him a hug which she did soom after.

"How are you , baby boy. Sorry I couldn't be here all week. I was working." She pulled the two of us into a group hug, giving us both kisses on our foreheads.

"I missed you, mum." I confessed.

"Awe, babe, I missed you both so much. You're so handsome, I love what you've done with your hair Li." She said as she ruffled his hair.

"I was going to cut it but Greg likes it like this." Liam blushed.

"Ooh, Greg. Who is this boy?" My mum aksed with a sly smile.

"He's Liam's boyfriend." I chuckled.

"Louis! You're supposed to tell me when stuff like this happens!" My mum squealed.

"Lou's got a boyfriend too, mum." Liam giggled.

"My precious boys! Both of you are becoming men." She paused. "So, have you boys done the dirty yet?"

"Mum!" Liam and I shouted in unison.

"What? Can't I ask my big boys about their sex life?" Mum laughed.

"Mum." I whined.

"Well have you?"

"Not yet." I sighed.

"Oh sweetie, that's okay. You're too young anyways. But if you decide to, use protection" she winked causing me to blush.

"Mum, I'm gay. I can't get pregnant."

"Louis Tomlinson, there is such thing as STD's you know."

"Harry couldn't possibly have any. He's a virgin."

"How old is this boy?" She asked.

"Thirteen. " Liam said when I stayed silent.

"Thirteen? Oh, Lou. " Mum sighed.

"Enough about me, what about Li. "

"Greg and I haven't done anything." Liam was too quick to reply. Something I'd have to question later. Moments later, I felt my phone buzz.

From: Hazza <3

Meet me at home? We need to talk.

I felt a chill run down my spine as my breathe hitched. I hoped to God that he wasn't planning on breaking up with me.

A/N: Sorry about the crappy chapter. I had to introduce Liam and Louis' mom. Plus some Lilo bromance never hurt anyone.

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Published: December 23, 2014

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