9. Falling

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I’m awk af. I wrote this chapter while I was in history class. -weirdo x  This Chapter is edited and completed. Please re-read.

If you would have told me a month ago that I'd be straddling a sixteen year old boy in his bedroom, I'd probably laugh in your face. But now, as I sit with Louis giggling beneath me, I know that it can't get more real than this. I feel so empowered when he lets me take control. I leaned down to press my lips against his neck, adding just the right amount of pressure that always caused him to moan.

“You’re so good at that.” Louis whined. “Don’t let anyone tell you that you’re too young, you may be thirteen but you have the lips of a nineteen year old sex god.”

I laughed, rubbing my nose against his. Something I suggested we use as a silent way of saying ‘I love you’. He smiled rubbing his nose back, I felt a ticklish feeling in my stomach. I finally had them - butterflies.

I placed both hands on either side of his head, connecting our lips. As we kissed, my breathing began to quicken and I noticed the same in his. He began rubbing his hands over my lower back, giving my bottom lip a nibble as he did so. I tugged on the hairs at the back of his neck, his hands travelling down to my bum. I rocked my hips against his, something I’d learned from reading all those romance novels. Louis let out another moan and I grinned. He was so weak under my touch and it made me feel amazing - like I wasn’t the younger, less experienced one. I felt his member begin to harden beneath me and it was my turn to moan. My pants began to squeeze against my semi-hardened length. Before Louis and I could go any further, a loud buzz was heard downstairs.

“Ignore it.” I begged, grinding my hips against his once more.

“I can’t, I don’t want Liam to have to get it.” Louis panted. I groaned, Liam’s great but he could be such a hassle to deal with sometimes. He’s all Louis ever worries about. Liam needs help starting the shower. I can’t, I have to get Liam home. Liam can’t eat that, he’s allergic. I wonder how Liam’s doing. Hang on babe, I need to call Liam. Do you think Greg and Liam have done anything serious yet? I hope Liam doesn’t feel unsafe without me.

“Yeah, well what about me.” I mumbled, without realizing I’d even said it out loud.

“Babe, I’m sorry. I’ll be right back.” Louis gave me a peck, placing me on the floor and patting my head like some baby.

“You’re going to walk down there with a boner?” I attempted to get him to sit down once again.

"Liam's blind." Louis shrugged, walking out the bedroom door with me following closely behind. Halfway down the stairs stood Liam, he turned towards us as we made our way to the staircase.

"Liam go back to your room, I've got it." Louis said jogging down to his younger brother.

"Oh." He paused. "Okay. Hey Harry." Liam smiled at me.

"H-hi." I don't want to seem ignorant but I'll never understand how he seems to do that, always recognizing my presence without being able to see me.

I shrugged it off, running passed him down the stairs and caught up with Louis, whose hand was on the door knob.

He pulled it open to reveal my best friend. Niall.

I frowned, "Niall?"

"Oh, hey Haz. Didn't expect to see you here." Niall pulled me in for a hug.

"I could say the sa-" I was cut off abruptly as Niall held me at arms length. His eyes traveled down my torso to my crotch with flustered cheeks and a raised eyebrow. He looked back and forth between Louis and I before taking a step back.

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