21. Kiss You

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[Song set for when they are at Liam's house]

 It wasn't until two weeks after Harry's attempt, did he go back to school. Niall had made a daily effort of gathering Harry's missed assignments, then turning them in the next day to keep the younger on track. Harry had yet to see Louis since the day they broke up, not having laid eyes on him in his unconscious state. Louis had attempted to visit multiple times, worrying himself sick. Zayn didn't think Harry was ready, but ensured Louis that the boy was safe. This may or may not have also been because Zayn hadn't gotten rid of his skepticism over the pair's relationship. However, he always had Niall. Niall was always the boy he could trust to care for his son. 

Niall was over the whole love triangle, though. He had his eyes set on a boy he'd never even known to be so beautiful and earnest. He made it his job to tell his best friend all about it, not sparing any of the gory details. 

"Did I mention how cute he looks when he smiles?" Niall gazed up at the ceiling from his spot on Harry's bed. "He gets these," Niall gestures to the corner of his baby-blues, then beneath them at the space under his eyes. "little crinkles at the ends, and just under, right here." Harry gagged. Niall had been at it since he showed up three hours earlier. Niall could recite everything he found adorable in Liam. But if Harry had to hear one more retched detail about the way Liam's hair shone just right in the sun, he'd have to tell Niall to leave. God, was he this bad when he first met Louis? He doubted it.

"Ni, I love you but, come on." Harry groaned from his desk, where he'd found himself sitting when Niall claimed his bed. "I'm nearly sick just hearing about this. May I remind you, I'm still single and all this isn't helping."

Niall dragged a hand across his face in pure agony. He was always talking. It was in his nature. He stood up, staring at the green-eyed boy for seconds. Niall began to hold his breathe and Harry knew what he was doing. 

"For Christ's sake, Niall!" Harry half shouted. Niall continued to hold his breathe, his usual porcelain skin, a pinkish shade. Harry had learned throughout the years, that Niall was a talker. Always speaking his mind, yet if, however, by any chance, someone would dare stop him from talking, Niall would run physically ill. Clearly, the problem was not down to a science, Niall could breathe if he wanted to, he was simply too stubborn. Harry sighed.

"Fine, gab on, you twat." Harry had become so ill-mannered since his encounters with a certain older lad with blue eyes. Niall loved it, got a crack out of hearing his best friend curse like a sailor. Niall released a large breath with a massive grin on his face.

"Have I mentioned what a good listener he is?" Niall joked. Harry was in for a long day. 


"Harry, chill." Niall spoke, a smiling Liam by his side. "You're gonna be fine. Nobody even knows why you've been gone. I told 'em you were sick." Harry nodded. His first day back to school and he was already shaking in his boots. Louis was nowhere to be seen. 

The reaction from his peers, was practically expected. Whispering, inevitable. But the pity, that's what annoyed Harry the most. Halfway through maths some kid named Timothy thought it necessary to shout to his friend across the room about the situation.

"Pity the sod, his boyfriend beat him." A few snickers were heard around the room. Liam held his head, he knew his brother hadn't done such a thing. 

"I heard he was arrested last year, beat some bloke half to death." Timothy's friend threw back. 

"Bloody mental, I tell ya." Another kid shook his head. "He must like 'em young. Gives him the chance to toss 'em 'round a bit." Harry had his head down. They're wrong.  Louis loved him. He'd never intentionally hurt him, or  anyone else.

"Feel bad for Liam, though. Poor saps gotta live with him." More laughter. Niall was out of his seat, screaming back at the lot.

"Shut your bloody mouth, Timmy!" Niall groaned. "Nobody in this room wants to hear you gab on. So just fuck off! You don't know shit about them so keep their lives out of your mind." Niall spat. Harry smiled smugly, throwing a glance at Liam who was blushing profusely. Interesting.

Mid school day, Harry wasn't feeling too well to go on with his routines. Liam had told him that Louis stayed home. By lunch, Harry was sitting in the office awaiting Zayn. Zayn wasn't the one who walked through the door, though.  Instead, he was met with icy blue eyes and a white smile. 

"Hey, Harry. You're dad couldn't make it. He's getting the car fixed. He asked me to take you home." Perrie spoke. Harry grimaced. He tried to be as friendly as possible, knowing that this woman truly made Zayn happy. 

"Where do I sign you out?" Perrie asked, eyes wandering around the room. Harry pointed at the counter, where a sign-out sheet was displayed. No kids. At least Harry could appreciate that. He smiled at her. 


After school, Niall found himself sitting in Liam's room, admiring every one of the boy's features. Liam was too smart for that, though.

"Stop staring," he smiled. Niall looked like a deer caught in headlights.

"Sorry," he replied sheepishly. Niall's eyes explored the room he'd been in countless times before. His eyes landed on a keyboard, sitting against the wall.

"You play the piano?" He smiled. Liam nodded with fervor. "Can you play something?" 

Liam grinned, eyes trained on a random spot on the floor. Niall held his breath at the anticipation.

"Sure," Liam sauntered carefully, over to the piano-seat by his piano.  Niall adjusted the instrument so it was at arm's length of the blind boy before returning to his seat on the floor.

"You can sit next to me." Niall, brushed his sweaty hands on his jeans, following Liam's words.

The two sat quietly on the bench, Niall nervously awaiting and Liam calmly preparing. Within seconds, Liam's hands were gliding across the panel and Niall's breath hitched. 

It was Beethoven. Liam was playing bloody Beethoven! Niall turned to look at Liam. Eyes closed, smile stretched wide. Niall could fall in love. Liam's fingers were expertly tuning each note to his will and Niall almost cried. He'd never heard such beautiful notes in his life, well except for when he would hear actual Beethoven. You know, the professional stuff. But this, Liam playing with his perfect smile and his enchanted hands. This, was Niall's.  Or so he wanted it to be. 

When Liam's hands finally seized against the keys, it was time for Niall to speak. That is, if he could figure out a way to breathe. Liam's smile never faltered. 

"Li," Niall whispered, only a few inches from his friend. Liam turned to face the younger boy. 

"That was really amazing." he breathed. Liam thanked him quietly.

"Li," Niall repeated, swallowing the nerves in the back of his throat. Liam's eyebrows rose.

"Yeah?" he chuckled. Niall let out another shaky breath. "Can I kiss you?" 

Liam's mouth fell open slightly, a small curve to his lips. Niall almost slapped himself at the silence. He almost laughed, taking it back before Liam finally spoke up again.

"Yeah," his eyes were closed, mouth twitching for a second. Niall leaned in. He kept his eyes open for as long as possible, wanting to see the closeness of their faces. Wanting to watch the way Liam's eyelashes shook in anticipation. Niall felt a brush against his lips and his eyes fell shut. Like clouds touching, Niall pressed softly against Liam fuller lips. He was lost in time. He couldn't tell if the kiss was a second or if they sat for hours. But Liam smiled and that's all he needed to see to feel at home.

"Thank you for asking," Liam mumbled, recalling the events of his last kiss. 

"I'll always ask," and Liam felt at home, too. 

Weirdox: Niam :) Anyway, 4 chapters left. Big love!


Published: 10/23/2016 @10:51

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