3. C'mon, C'mon

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Monday morning Harry made sure to wear his nicest shirt, a soft baby blue v-neck. He was wearing a pair of black chinos that Zayn had bought him months earlier but he refused to wear until now.

Harry ran down the stairs with excitement before stumbling into his stepfather, Zayn.

"Whoa there champ, where are you off to in such a hurry?" Zayn questioned.

Harry simply ignored him and ran into the kitchen to prepare two lunches. He had high hopes for Louis to eat with him later. Harry packed the two meals in a brown lunch bag. He then retrieved his bus pass from his room. He wrote a note to Zayn saying he'd be taking the bus to school before dashing out of his house and towards the bus stop.

Dried banana chips. Harry was greeted by Louis with a bag of dried banana chips. Harry thought it was the cutest thing anyone had ever done for him.

"You look cute, new clothes?" Louis questioned, looking Harry up and down. Harry blushed before nodding.

"He looks cute, doesn't he Li?" Louis asked his brother.

"That joke still isn't funny, Louis." Liam shook his head. 

Louis stood, staring at the younger boy with pure adoration. He was determined to get Harry to speak to him, he wanted to hear what voice comes along with such an absolutely adorable boy.

"Have you got a cellular?" Louis asked Harry. Harry then nodded and took his phone out, knowing well enough that this is how it would happen in a movie.

"I entered my number, text me whenever." Louis winked, handing Harry his phone.

Soon enough, the bus had arrived and the three boys entered. Louis made sure to take a seat next to Harry, but still managed to hold onto his brother's arm.

Once the three arrived at school, Louis announced that he had to catch up with his friends leaving Harry alone to find Niall.

He couldn't wait to fill him in on his morning with Louis. Harry sat quietly in the library with his eyes glued to his phone contemplating whether or not he should text Louis, when a pair of hands covered his eyes.

"Guess who." Niall said in a British accent, trying his best not to laugh. Harry giggled before turning around and pulling Niall into a hug. Niall's arms lingered on Harry's waist for a bit longer than necessary but Harry didn't mind.

"Where've you been? I was waiting for you in the canteen." Niall asked his best friend who'd gone back to staring at his phone.

"Harry?" Niall was silenced by a phone shoved in his face.

To: Him

Hi. It's Harry.

From: Him

It's about time you text me, I was begginning to miss you.

Niall frowned, "Him?".

Harry rolled his eyes, he expected Niall to be utterly happy for him.

Harry texted Niall, saying it was Louis.

"Who's Louis and why do you call him, 'him'? Do you like him? Why is he flirting with you?" Niall spat.

To: Ni :)

Liam Payne's brother. I thnk he likes me :D isn't this gr8?

Niall read the message his best friend and secret love had sent him. Anger and slight sadness rushed through Niall. He wanted to kill this 'Louis' guy but he also wanted to cry his heart out.

"No, this isn't great! I didn't even know Liam Payne had a brother!" Niall shouted before he was tapped on the shoulder by the librarian.

"Both of you out, now." She whispered sternly.

Harry hung his head low with shame while Niall followed after him.




Lunch didn't exactly go as I'd planned. When I texted Louis asking if he'd like to eat lunch with me, I thought everything was fine. That was until Niall announced he'd be joining us and realization had hit me that Liam would be there too.

So here I sit, next to my best friend and in front of my crush who is sitting next to his brother. Yes, he is my crush. Oh god he's so absolutely handsome.

"Thanks so much for the lunch, Haz." Louis smiled, cutting a piece of chicken for his brother to eat. My heart fluttered in the most cliche way at the nickname. It was nothing knew but I'd never heard him say it before. I find it so adorable that he takes care of Liam like that, it shows that he really loves his brother.

"Haz? Since when do you call him Haz?" Niall scoffed.

"Am I missing something?" Louis asked.

"How old are you, anyway? You look like you've been held back a few years." Niall insulted. I gave his stomach a subtle nudge with my elbow.

"I'm only sixteen." Louis frowned.

"Who the hell do you think you are? What's your motive for talking to my Harry?" Niall ignored my scolding looks.

"I'm sorry he didn't mention belonging to you when he gave me his number." Louis snapped suddenly seeming quite fed up.

"Fuck this, we're out of here, c'mon Haz." Niall began tugging on my arm but I frowned and crossed both arms at him.

"Sorry mate but it doesn't look like he's interested." Louis smirked, I didn't like the way he was treating my best friend but Niall was being rude to begin with.

"I'll come with you, if you wouldn't mind. I need someor to walk me to my next class anyways." Liam piped up.

"Sure I'll take you. C'mon Liam." Niall took Liam's hand and the pair walked away.

"Now," Louis began before getting up and taking Niall's former seat next to me. "I can finally do this." Louis placed a hand on my cheek and my breath hitched. Oh my God! This is it! My first bloody kiss! He began leaning forward and so did I. My eyes shut, and I felt his breath on my lips. I was stopped by his other hand being placed on my shoulder.

"I think I like you." Louis said before pulling away. I frowned, I didn't even bother hiding my disappointment. He builds up the perfect moment, sets the mood by placing a hand on my cheek, leans in only to tell me he has feelings for me? Who does that? I groaned.

"Just bloody kiss me already." I croaked out shocking the both of us. I don't know what the fuck just happened but boy does my voice sound weird. Louis looked into my eyes then he grinned madly. Next thing I know his lips were against mine and I was so bloody amazed at how perfect this all felt. I've seen all the movies, and I'm well aware of the fact that I have to move my lips against his. That's exactly what I did and I closed my eyes because  realized they had been open. But, God did Louis look so cute when he kisses. He began pulling away and I forced myself to do the same.

"Wow." Louis mumbled almost as if he'd never kissed anyone before.

"Let's do that again." I commanded before running my fingers through his hair as we shared our second kiss. I'm never getting tired of this.

So that's chapter three. Sorry again for the wait. Much love -weirdo x

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Published: May-July 2014

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