2. Up All Night

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I grabbed the knife, spreading the mayonnaise on the slice of bread. I feel like I'm giving lessons on how to make a sandwich. I think to myself.

I retrieved a bag of lettuce from the fridge before turning the page in my book, Pride & Prejudice. I don't know if you were aware but, P&P is the number one romance novel ever made. I am quite the sucker when it comes to romance novels and movies. My biggest weakness.

Just as I was about to eat my sandwich, I hear the door open along with footsteps.

"Harry, I'm home!" Zayn hollered. I made my way to the front door, sandwich in one hand and my book in the other.

"How was school?" I put a thumb up as if to say it was good.

"Do you want to invite Niall over? He can spend the night, I'll even take you out to rent some movies since there's no school tomorrow." I smiled and nodded.

To: Ni :)

Spend the night?

Two minutes later Niall texts me back. 

From: Ni :)

B there n 10 mins!1!!

Not even ten minutes later, there's a knock at the door.

"Harry could you get that? It's probably Niall." I nodded my head walking towards the door.

Once the door was fully open a slim body was lunged at me. The two of us fall to the floor and I groaned.

"Hey." Niall's Irish accented voice rang. I gave his waist a squeeze before shoving him off of me.

"Oi. Get off the floor, you two." Dad chuckled.

"Sorry, Mr. Malik." Niall brushed himself off.

"Wanna go rent a film?" Zayn questioned.

I shrugged, I'm actually content with the movies I have now. I don't need new ones.

"That's ok." Niall shrugged, almost as if he'd read my mind.

"You sure? Harry?" Zayn asked causing me to nod my head.

"Alright then, if you need me I'll be in my study."

"Want to watch a film?" I nod in agreement.

"The Notebook?" Niall asked once he'd fiddled through my collection of romantic films. He holds up the disk and I can't help but smile widely. I absolutely adore this movie.


I was sitting with my knees folded against my chest, soft sobs leaving my lips.

"Aw, Haz. Don't cry." Niall scooted closer to me, wrapping his arms around me. "You've seen this before, you know they end up dying together in peace."

I know they die happily but I still can't help but cry when she leaves and they don't see each other for over five years.

By the end of the movie, I was a mess. Tissues scattered along the loveseat Ni and I were sitting on.

"Night, love." Niall spoke before he shut off the television.


Meanwhile at Louis' house . . .



 I ran up to my room the second I finished eating my dinner. Liam was already asleep in his room so I didn't have to worry about watching him.

I shut my bedroom door and grab my laptop from the desk. Soon after, I find myself browsing through a familiar website. Then I select my favorite category to watch. I've known that I was gay since the first time I watched porn. I was twelve years old and I always found myself looking at the men's rods rather than the woman's breasts. I guess I couldn't have known that early. Most say I was just curious but I think that's bullshit. I like dicks, not tits. I'm gay, get over it. Some people act like my sexuality is equivalent to the cure of cancer. That being the reason that I hardly tell anyone about it.

I unzipped my pants, pulling them off completely. Next was my briefs. I felt as the draft hit my member as I clicked on a trending video starring one of my favorite actors if you know what I mean. Mid-stroke I heard a faint noise then the sound of my door knob rattling. I quickly shut the computer screen and tried steadying my breath.

"Louis?" my brother, Liam called as he stepped into the room.

"Ye-yeah?" I panted.

"God, Louis. You weren't wanking off in here, were you?"


"That's a yes." Liam gagged then exited the room.

"Bet you're thinking of Harry." Liam laughed through the wall.


Sorry for the long wait. I've been rehearsing for a play at school. Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

6+ Votes,  5+ Comments for next update.

Published: May 24, 2014

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