14. Boiling Point (pt. 3)

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Recap: Louis and Harry had the smutty smut. Harry topped. It was daddy af.

After a few hours of laying in the night air, Louis decided it'd be best to take Harry home. Louis was able to carry the tired boy the whole few miles home and felt almost dead of exhaustion but he'd do anything for his curly headed love. Harry took in his surroundings and saw that the lights of his house were still on and a cop car was outside.

"What's going on? Why is my dad still up?" Harry jumped down from Louis' arms and ran towards his house, Louis quick to follow behind.

Harry barged through the door and was met by a frantic Zayn. Louis was quick to step towards Zayn with an outstretched arm.

"Hello, I don't believe I've formally introduced myself." Louis spoke politely.

"What? Who the fuck are you?" Zayn looked at the boy as if he were insane. Before Louis could answer, Zayn shook his head and walked over to his stepson.

"Harry where have you been?" Zayn asked in a stern voice.

"I was with Louis, no biggie," the youngest shrugged, "What's a police car doing outside?"

"No biggie? No biggie? Harold, I've been worried sick! I called the police to look for you!" Zayn shouted, stress clear on his usually calm and well-aged face.

"You called the cops?" Harry laughed, "What's the problem?"

"Harry, you still don't get it! I went to the chess match! I wanted to support you and when you weren't there, I asked Niall! He had no idea, said you were off snogging!" Zayn choked out the last bit, he couldn't bear the thought of some bloke with his tongue down his adolescent son's throat.

Harry laughed and Louis felt fear run down his back, he was beginning to feel strangely uncomfortable and didn't want to be on Zayn's bad side.

"Calm down, we didn't do much of that." Harry was pushing his luck, challenging the dark haired man. Louis widened his eyes, placing a hand firmly on Harry's back as a way of shutting him up.

"You what? What is going on with you?" Zayn was livid at this point, the veins bulging from his forehead were proof of this.

"He doesn't know what he's talking about. I'm Louis, by the way," Louis smiled nervously.

"You're Louis? So are you the one he's been snogging all night? How old are you? He's only thirteen!" Zayn spat.

Louis felt angry, his emotions were getting the best of him and his medicine was wearing off. He took a step back, attempting to compose himself.

"Don't talk to him that way! He's sixteen and we've been doing more than that! There's nothing you can do! He's mine forever and you're old arse can't stop a thing!" Harry screamed. Zayn felt his hands clench. He more than anything wanted to kill Louis but he was an adult and needed to take the high road. Zayn felt his blood boil at the images of Louis' taller figure taking advantage of his small boy.

If only he knew.

"I think it's time for you to leave," Zayn opened the door only to see the police car had gone. This only made him want to hurt Louis more. "I don't want to see you here ever again."

Harry's eyes bulged and he ran to Zayn, staring at his boyfriend with pleading eyes.

"Dad, you can't do that! Louis, don't go! Please!" Harry was in tears, tugging at Zayn's sweater. Louis knew he had to leave before he caused anymore trouble.

"I have to, babe." Louis made sure to give the boy a subtle wink letting him know he'd contact him soon. Zayn slammed the door and Harry began to sob.

"What did he do to you? Harry, tell me," Zayn clutched Harry by the shoulders.

"Nothing, he's my boyfriend!" Harry spat at his stepfather.

"Not any longer, you're not seeing him anymore!" Harry cried at Zayn's words.

"I love him! You can't forbid me from seeing him. He's mine! He loves me and I love him!" Harry pushed Zayn with all his force, the elder hardly budged.

"Harry, you have no right to see that boy! He's bad for you and I won't allow it!" Zayn yelled at Harry who was halfway up the stairs.

"We're going to be together forever! You can't stop me, you're not even my dad!" With that, Harry was behind his closed door and Zayn was left to break at his lonesome.

Zayn felt tears prick at his eyes and he muffled a sob. He'd given his whole life for the boy, the boy he raised, the boy who wasn't his boy. Zayn wanted to shout and cry. He wanted to tell Harry that he wasn't in love. That even if Louis did love him, there would never be forever. Even if everything did turn out well, they wouldn't be together forever, that eventually, even if it was all good, one of them would die. He wanted to cry for the loss of his love. His forever. He did none of that. Harry had left him. Harry was done with Zayn. That made his heart break, all the more.

So that was late as fu k, and I apologize. I actually love this chapter and I feel it showed off some true emotion as a writer. So yeah, sorry it's late. Been busy but hopefully I'll start updating every other Sunday! Hope you enjoyed, sorry it's a little sad. -weirdox

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