5. Loved You First

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Louis and I managed to wake up around five in the morning when the sun was just beginning to rise. He walked me all the way to this bus stop where we stood staring at each other for a moment.

"That was," I couldn't think of a word to describe how perfect it was.

"I know." Louis smiled. I tugged on his hand and he leaned down to kiss me. I wanted to stay with him in our new home all day. Although, I knew very well that I had to return home before Zayn woke up.

"I gotta go," I said nuzzling my face in his chest, the height difference between us was undeniably cute. The top of my head only reached up to his shoulder. He didn't seem to mind, neither did I.

"Bye, babe. Meet me here before school?" I nodded with a smile. After departing with Louis, I ran home.

Once I was home, I went straight into my room. I peeled off my clothing and tossed them into the laundry bin soon after I stepped into the shower.

Zayn didn't question me at all so I assumed he didn't notice that I had even left. He had made breakfast for me and we ate over an odd discussion about his publisher Perrie Edwards. I hadn't a clue as to why he was talking about her but I went along with it anyways. I told him I'd be meeting Louis at the bus stop and he sent me off with a hug goodbye.

"Babe!" Louis shouted when he spotted me walking over to the bus stop. I ran over to him with a grin plastered on my face.

"Kiss me you fool." I muttered after moments of us staring at each other.

He only pecked my lips before leading me to the bench where he pulled me onto his lap.

"Hey Liam." I greeted the boy I grew up with yet never spoke to before in my life.

"Hello, it's nice to finally hear your voice Harry." Liam smiled causing me to blush slightly burying my face in Louis' chest.

"Bus is here." Louis said after a few minutes of us giggling and whispering to each other sweetly.


During my first lesson - math - I kept getting shocked stares from the whole class, including the teacher. Niall didn't sit next to me, he was sitting next to Liam and had been ignoring my texts all morning. I was determined to get him to talk to me again. I can't afford to lose my best friend.

After the class was over I was ready to spring out of my seat and chase after Niall - who I assumed would have been the first to leave. My plans were soon cut short when I saw Niall standing beside Liam's desk, waiting for him to stand up. Liam got up and Niall allowed Liam to latch onto his arm as they began walking out of the room. I knew Niall was always one to greet Liam but I had never known they were so chummy. Nevertheless, I followed after them calling Niall's name.

"What do you want, Harry?" Niall finally stopped in the middle of the hallway.

"I want to talk." I said truthfully.

"I have nothing to say to you." Niall scoffed.

"What did I do, Niall? Why have you been so cold to me? We're best friends!" I felt my eyes water and I honestly didn't care who was around to see it.

"Harry, how can you be this oblivious?" Niall shook his head almost shamefully as he began walking with Liam once again.

"Niall, I demand you tell me what I did! Right now!" I shouted causing the few students who still occupied the hall to turn my way.

"Alright, I'll fill you in." Niall spat. "You broke my heart. You Harold E. fucking Styles broke my fucking heart!"

"What are you even talking about? Niall you know I'd never do anything to hurt you." I replied.

By now Liam was standing awkwardly a few steps away from us not exactly able to walk away. The bell had rung but I was too caught up in the situation that I didn't care.

"Damn it Harold! I loved you first! Before that arse hole came into your life." Niall turned to Liam muttering an apology for insulting his brother.


"No, stop. Who was there for you through thick and thin? Who stuck with your whiny ass when you decided to stop talking!" Niall shouted. Liam grabbed onto his arm tightly.

"Niall stop." Liam ordered. I couldn't say anything back, I felt the built up tears finally leave my eyes.

"Who put up with your slow as hell logic and your dreamland in the fucking clouds way of thinking?" Niall continued. Is this really what he thought of me? I could hardly even see the anger in his face due to the endless tears blurring my vision.

"Who fucking stayed with you night and day after your mother died! Remember being that seven year old that considered ending his life? Who was there to hold your hand when you felt like jumping off the roof. Suck it up! It's been six years, I'm so tired of you moping to me all-" Niall was cut off when a powerful force knocked him to the floor.

"That's enough Niall. I'm sorry, you're my friend but you need to stop it right now." Liam said calmly.

"Y-you took it way too f-far, N-Ni. Don't worry, you won't have to deal with m-my whining any more." I sobbed before running off to the only place I could think of - home.

This chapter actually made me sad. I think I tend to go a little too far with this stuff. -weirdo x

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Published: July 26, 2014

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