8. Teenage Dirtbag

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"Forever and always." He broke the gap in between us, pushing his lips against mine. I opened my mouth slightly and his tongue grazed over mine. I turned my head to the side, arms wrapping around his neck as his held my waist. I followed his lead, this being the first time I kiss with tongue. His tongue flicked against mine and I let out a moan. He pulled away slowly ending the kiss only to leave me breathless and in need of more.

"Goodnight." he whispered, his lips lingering on mine.

"Night." I closed the door once he'd walked out. As I was walking up the stairs, the lights flickered on.

"Harry, who was that?" Zayn asked. I froze. I was unable to answer his question with only one thing lingering through my head. How much did he see?


I stuttered, standing near the door. My legs refused to move as they began shaking. I felt a growing sensation in my stomach that threatened to rise to my chest, something I always felt when I was nervous.

"It's ten o'clock, I thought Niall already left." Zayn said.

"H-he did but he came back to get his coat." I said, praying to God that he couldn't tell I was lying. I felt guilt surge through me, it was rare for me to lie to him. He's always been a great dad and I've always known that I can tell him everything. Everything but this, I thought.

"Oh, well make sure to lock the door. I'm going back to bed. It's past your bedtime so you should sleep too." Zayn yawned. Once he went back into his room I let out a sigh of relief.

One week later.

During lunch, the seating arrangements had changed quite a bit. Louis, Niall, Liam and I all sat at our usual spot. Only today, we had a guest with us at our round table. Greg was sitting next to Liam with Louis on his other side. I was sitting next to Louis ans Niall was sitting next to me. I had a strong feeling that Greg had a crush on Liam by the way he'd been flirting with him for half an hour.

Liam was quietly eating his food, blushing slightly whenever Greg would wipe crumbs off of his face for him. Niall was blabbing on about some story I'd heard years ago to Louis. I was beginning to feel left out. Louis seemed to read my mind because he soon after placed his hand on my thigh. I felt a rush of tingles where his hand was resting. I turned my head, he glanced at me with a smirk on his face.

Louis returned his attention to Niall who was now telling him a joke that I'd heard a billion times. I looked over at Liam and Greg. I noticed Greg whispering something in Liam's ear, Liam's face went beat red as he nodded.

Greg cleared his throat. "Liam and I are going to go. That's alright with you, right Louis?"

Louis nodded without a word. I raised my eyebrows when I saw Greg take Liam's hand as they entered the school building.


After school I wanted to go to Louis' practice but Niall reminded me that we had chess club.

"I got a role in the school play." Niall smiled causing me to grin wildly.

"Niall, why didn't you tell me earlier? This is awesome!" I said excitedly.

"Calm down, it's not even a major part. I'm only in one scene." He sighed. I new how much this meant to him. He'd been so determined to get lead. I made it my job to make sure he didn't feel bad, though.

"Who cares, you'll be the best actor there. You're going to do great." I said, taking a seat across from the vice president of the chess club - Riley. Niall shrugged, sitting across from Destiny, a less skilled player.

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