chapter 1

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Hey guys and gals of wattpad, this is my first story and I hope you enjoy, I know I'm enjoying writing it.

p.s. I'm from America so let me say sorry in advance if I mess up a few things.

P.S.S. duck in the side bar because adorableness is awesome.


Chapter 1:

Don't you just love being ditched by your best friend in a foreign country? I know I do. Not. Especially not in a place like the UK. Carson, my best friend, hadn't even called me about her sudden disappearance. All she left was a note, a nonrefundable plane ticket to Paris, France scheduled for a month from now, and her personal credit card. Sometimes I want to strangle my friend, you know, in a totally nonviolent way.

Her note had stated that she left me here so that I could get inspiration for my book. Yes, my book, I plan on publishing a work of mine. Personally, I think it would be amazing to have my name on the cover of books everywhere. 'Red Handed,' by Elizabeth Shakel. However, I didn't see my friends justification for this. Sure, I was having writer's block and this place was helping, but now we would have to cancel one of the other countries visit. Even if the U.K. was where my book took place, I didn't want to stay here for another month.

So, long story short, that's why I'm here, sitting at a table at Nandos and writing. I had a cup next to me, half-full with hot chocolate. I cant tell you how many times I had that cup refilled. So far, I hadn't actually eaten anything, probably due to the fact that I was way too frustrated. I tapped furiously on my computer , listening to my Christian music in the background.

I started the first sentence in the seventeenth chapter:

Her eyes fluttered open to the familiar sight of a gun poised at her forehead.

I found it hard to focus, however, when the sound of screaming girls pushed through the sound barrier of my ear phones. I sighed heavily, annoyed by the disturbance, and fidgeted with my purity ring on my left ring finger (a habit of mine that Carson found particularly cute). My black Ray Bans rested up top my head, and I was thankful that they kept away another distraction, my straightened brown hair. Just as I thought that the screaming was the worst it could get, one of the waitresses tapped me on the shoulder, pulling me out of my fantasy world.

I looked up at her with a polite smile, trying to keep the annoyance from showing up in my blue eyes. She didn't return my smile though, instead she just chomped obnoxiously on her gum. ''Yes?'' I said kindly, taking out my ear phones.

''Could you move, Miss? There are some important people here that need a table,'' she said in her British accent. I mentally cursed her seeing as I had always wanted a British accent instead of my current northern one that I had from living in new York for all my life.

I nodded and went to grab my computer but a gruff voice interrupted my movements, ''that's quite alright, she can sit here with us.''

I looked at who had spoken and smiled when I was met by a warm smile and kind blue eyes. He was a British boy, probably about twenty-two years-old, but he wasn't the only one there. Behind him there stood four other boys, all with dark hair like the one boy, except for the shortest one who had blond hair. They looked familiar, but I couldn't quite place my finger on why. I shook my head, ''that's okay, I wasn't really planning on eating anything anyways.'' I turned to look at the waitress but before I could ask her for my check the blond one spoke up.

''You came to Nandos and didn't eat anything, that should be a crime!'' he said in what sounded like an Irish accent.

I laughed, ''well, I'm not exactly familiar with the menu.''

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