Chapter 45~ The End

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***Elizabeth's P.O.V.***

The sound of Harry's mumbling from the kitchen was the only sound in the otherwise quiet house. I had expected him to be in bed still because it was so early, but when I walked into the kitchen I saw why. His hands were tugging at his curls while he muttered things to himself, and not even the soft padding of my feet was enough to bring him from his thoughts. He hadn't changed from last nights cloths so that was my first clue to the conclusion that he hadn't slept at all last night.

''Harry?'' I called softly and his head snapped up to look at me.

''Elizabeth,'' he sighed, ''I'll get you some medicine.'' He stood from his place on the bar stool and walked to the bathroom though I tried to stop him. When he came back in he dragged his hand across his face before holding out the medicine to me, ''I know you're probably going to want to know what you did last night but I don't think you'll like the answer...''

I took his hand, which was clutching the medicine, in my own and stared at them for a moment, ''Harry, I don't need medicine, and I don't need you to tell me what I did.''

''Oh, you remember?'' he wondered with a shy smile.

I flashed him an apologetic smile before letting go of his hands and turning away from him while biting my lip. I was nervous to tell him, but that was how it would work. ''Harry, I wasn't drunk last night,'' I blurted so that I couldn't stop myself. I hated lying to him so it had been torture.

He laughed dryly at that, ''I know you might not want to believe it, Elizabeth, but you were. I was there the whole time.''

I bit my thumb nail anxiously and turned back towards him, ''no, I wasn't; I was... faking it so that I could test you.''

His eyebrows furrowed in confusion before his eyes widened and he stuttered a bit, ''s-so you were aware of e-everything you were doing?'' I nodded. ''Even the part with the shirt?'' Again, I nodded. ''How? How did you manage to trick me? I mean you're breath didn't smell like alcohol, but I was too, um... distracted to care... You were so... I thought you were.''

I shook my head, ''I've seen enough drunk people to know how to act, Harry.''

He nodded the slightest bit and his face seemed to drain of all color, ''so, it was all fake? The kissing and the compliments, and everything? Why?''

''No, Harry, it's not like that,'' I hastily started as I walked towards him, ''I know that you wanted a second chance, and I am sorry that I had to do it this way but I wanted to be sure that I could trust you.''

''What do you mean?'' he questioned.

''I wanted to make sure that if the chance to... you know, presented itself, you wouldn't take it,'' I explained and he seemed to understand once I said that.

''So, you pretended to be drunk to see if I would try to take advantage of you?'' he tried to clarify.

I nodded, ''and based on that I would make my decision.'' He didn't say anything for a while and I grew nervous with every single second of silence. I desperately wanted him to say something; anything. ''You're not mad at me, are you?''

''D-Did you decide?'' he stumbled out anxiously and I saw his thumbs fiddling with the hem of his shirt as he waited for my reply.

''Yes,'' I nodded which made him look up at me hopefully. I let a smile spread across my lips and he let out a disbelieving laugh while a huge smile made its way onto his lips. He closed the distance between us as he pulled me into a bone crushing hug that left me with my feet dangling in the air and caused a happy giggle to sneak its way past my lips.

Once my toes were gently touching the ground he released me a tiny bit so that he could look at me. ''You have no idea how happy I am right now...'' he trailed off, his eyes seemingly drinking in every detail of my features before his dimples deepened impossibly.

''Oh,'' I beamed, ''I think I might.''

''Really?'' he challenged cheekily with a raised eyebrow.

''Yep, you weren't the only one who missed things being the way they were before,'' I told him.

''What were you going to do if I hadn't stopped you?'' he questioned with furrowed eyebrows.

I cocked my head at him before slowly saying, ''I don't know, I guess I never thought about that possibility.''

''It sounds like you already trusted me,'' he smiled sweetly before it started to ebb away and he leaned forward until our lips were inches away from each other. ''Can I?'' he wondered hopefully. I gave him my answer by leaning in the rest of the way and quickly pecking his lips before pulling away and smiling at him.

''I know the first two people we should tell,'' he stated happily.

''Carson and Louis?'' I guessed but he shook his heads.

''I was thinking more on the lines of your parents,'' he supplied.

I gaped at him, ''Harry, are you being serious? They make me move out of here.''

''No they wont,'' he assured me.

''How are you so sure?''

''Just trust me,'' he replied and pecked my lips again before letting out a sigh and opening his previously closed eyes. ''God am I grateful that Carson ditched you here...''

''So am I.''


                     ''It is my understanding that [in love] two people are

                          fully aware of an imenant heartbreak, but carry

                                              on as if they are not.''


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