Chapter 15

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Yellow, beautiful people! Best Song Ever (the music video) came out to day here in VA and I thought, hey why not update all your stories in honor of this funny music video. So, I will be updating this, Found, and ITIBK. Yay! Here it goes, hope you enjoy, it's kind of a filler but Elizabeth gets to meet someone new.


***Elizabeth's P.O.V.***

''So, where else do you want to go?'' Harry questioned as he looked down at me. After we had made up in the church we had gone out shopping, well if by shopping you mean me browsing while scolding Harry every time he came back with another thing in his hand that was 'for me'. I had grown a little uncomfortable while wearing this pink frilly dress around the mall. Harry kept looking at me and whenever I glanced up at him he would look away.

''How about Starbucks?'' I supplied and he nodded, dragging me over to the nearest one in sight. I followed, sighing as he walked up to the Barista- cough, cough, the cute Barista- and leaning on the counter once we were there. If I had known that Harry was going to drag me around the mall all day I would have worn different shoes, and I already hated heels as it was. I averted my eyes from my heels for a moment to look at the Barista when Harry asked me what I wanted to drink. ''A hot chocolate, please,'' I told the Barista, Ethan, politely. Ethan's gaze stayed on me for a little longer than necessary before he grinned and told Harry the price, all the while looking at me. I would be lying if I didn't say I found it a bit creepy, but I wasn't going to tell him that.

''What's your name, love?'' Ethan pried as another Barista in the back prepared Harry and I's drinks.

I looked at him for a moment before hesitantly answering with, ''Elizabeth.''

''You're quite fit,'' Ethan stated as he looked down at me. Why are all these British boys so stinking tall? I feel like I'm talking to flag poles.

I gave him a confused look and then replied with, ''thank you, but I hardly work out so I doubt it. I've got no muscles at all.''

Ethan gave me a look of 'are you serious' before the Barista with our drinks handed them to Harry who tugged at my waist. ''Come on, let's go,'' Harry grinned out through gritted teeth. I smiled at the cup that he handed me as we walked but looked up to see Harry fuming.

''What's the matter, Curly?'' I joked, trying to lighten the mood. He didn't look down at me, just kept walking with the same stony expression. I frowned down at my cup, my happy mood somewhat diminished when he stayed with his unreadable expression.

''He said you were fit,'' Harry whispered quietly which surprised me due to the fact that I hadn't expected him to answer me after he had just ignored me a few moments ago. 

''I know, and I don't even go to the gym that often, so I'm surprised,'' I chuckled. He stopped abruptly and I looked at him in confusion.

''You don't know?'' he asked in disbelief, a hint of amusement in his voice as he said the words.

''Know what?'' I questioned. Was there something I was missing.

''Nothing,'' he assured me. He grabbed my hand, and led me to the next store, his mood changing completely. Wow, someone's a Bi-polar little boy. At least he was happy again.

*                                  *                                       *                                        *                      

''I invited the boys over!'' Louis proclaimed as he greeted us at the door.

Harry rubbed his head slightly and then nodded at Louis, nodding his head, ''what are we going to be doing?''

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